great example of creators not really understanding their own creations
great example of creators not really understanding their own creations
I heard from my uncle, who works for Nintendo, that GTAVI will be set in an unnamed Latin American country and be about revolution, but not politically.
man i love corporate synergy. certainly doesn’t lend credence to the complaint of monoculture
no more MCU at all! end this terrible, terrible garbage
i will be buying this because i want to support modular difficulty options in all games
hell yeah influencers. that’s the demographic that threw the first brick at Stonewall. didn’t you know?
i wish there was a genre of science fiction that commented on and critiqued the encroaching corporatization of every day life... if only such a genre existed
Stupendously awful title
I regret clicking on this article because I don’t know anything about the topic and I don’t care to learn
gamers are the biggest babies on the planet
Kevin looking like a butter sculpture from the South
begs the question, doesn’t it? of consumer satisfaction? if we shouldn’t ask companies to fix their whatever policies, then how do you get companies to change?
ok boomer
the first bioshock is so great and everything after that is really goofy and up its own butt (which isn’t to say the first isn’t up its own butt--it is, but more palatable than Infinite). let’s hope the devs keep the ambition but hire actual good writers who have read books
nobody wants to hear this but i bet this woman is great in bed. she’s comfortable in her own skin
i’m hoping this is just an oversight. especially since i saw on twitter, the disney plus account confirming the original aspect ratio would be available in response to an explicit query
admittedly, i haven’t yet seen Fleabag but I did jump ship on Killing Eve after one episode because i found the dialogue insufferable and the characterization flatter than flat
honestly, i would play a lot more games if there was less combat. not sure if it’s cause i’m getting older, but a game that’s just gruelling combat like Dark Souls or a mindless shooter like CoD sound exhausting! so i’m very excited to give this game a try
i wish the editors of io9 would branch out a bit more with smaller presses or lesser known authors because most of this dreck looks like commercial dreck that just barely qualifies as fiction for literate adults. nice to see Whiteley get a nod though.
the article is explicitly filed under “impressions” as in first impressions, not a review. you’re allowed to have ongoing opinions, you know!