on one hand, i think it’s important for people in the film industry to be familiar with films.... on the other hand, anything that irritates Star Wars fans is a Good Thing
on one hand, i think it’s important for people in the film industry to be familiar with films.... on the other hand, anything that irritates Star Wars fans is a Good Thing
sitcoms and cable tv shows are also directed professionally and use that time to tell narratives. vlogs and other YT things i’ve seen have been people speaking into a camera with intermittent cuts (because they either over-edit things or because they don’t do multiple takes and then cut out the hiccups).
13 minutes long????? why are vlogs or whatever always so damn long???? who’s got time for 13 minutes of one person? what do they feel the time with? i remember hearing jefree star’s crying video was like 20 minutes long! that’s an eternity. do these people think they’re Nicholas Winding Refn??????
gamers are corporate bootlickers, that’s why everybody in the comments probably bought something today anyway from amazon
pretty fucking disingenuous to dismiss the “Mary Pete” epithet, which is a) homophobic and b) super ancient
i’m legitimately surprised io9 gave this a less-than-enthusiastic review considering that io9 has been operating as a publicity machine on behalf of the film. every previous article has been “this is gorgeous” “this is amazing” etc etc etc.
these two ladies seem like characters cut from a sketch show which specifically makes fun of Brooklyn and how annoying New Yorkers are
i can’t in good conscience approve of adults wearing white socks for anything other than professional games of tennis but she is amazing and loveable so i’m torn
Man I love the GDQ stuff. You learn so much about the games from the commentating and from the players. Had no idea about the “too many sprites” problem with SMB2. Fascinating stuff. Love speedruns!!!
this is great journalism. thanks for this
but she’s right... men are trash. and so are gamers.
i admire speedrunners so much. i went through a phase this spring where i only played Dishonored 2 over and over again, to the point where i was memorizing enemy movement and going faster and faster through levels. but then i watched a speedrun of the game, specifically no-glitch, and i was instantly humbled by how lit…
imagine being a respectable journalist and having to write this article about video game boobs and how important they are. jesus christ gamers are the worst
well thanks for this interview because i have now wasted 40 minutes at work going through that blog’s archives
developers are too scared to say the bare minimum that “Nazis are bad” for fear of alienating their customer base. what a sad comment on video games
absolutely adored Heart Shaped Box when i read it eons ago, but Horns ascended to category “most hated novels” quickly. couldn’t make it 40 pages into The Fireman.
but weirdly enough, i adore Locke and Key.
wow these games get less and less palatable as the years go on. just wretched
i love both the PS3 games but i never played the PS4 one. is it worth it?
what about gamers, such as myself, who hate gamers more than anything
i wonder how many long time Jez commenters such as myself remember when we had a persistent incel who admitted he was so desperate for sex he would even fuck his mom. this was years and years ago, long before “incel” became a common word. this “subculture” has been percolating through the internet for much longer than…