An open, help-yourself liquor bar at a small-town funeral reception? Hmm. I’ve been going to the wrong funerals.
An open, help-yourself liquor bar at a small-town funeral reception? Hmm. I’ve been going to the wrong funerals.
Bootheel of Missouri is more southern than “Midwestern.” Closer to Memphis and Little Rock than to Chicago.
Amazing what tolerance can do. That said, I was glad they had the editor point out in a line that drinking vodka doesn’t mean your breath won’t smell of alcohol. The smell comes from the alcohol in the blood being exhaled from the lungs; it’s largely not from the “flavor” of what you are drinking. So mints and…
For lame, I’ll stack my bridesmaid rhyming toast against your monotone reading from a card.
Slightly more expensive? As in two to three times as expensive? In calculating, don’t forget that when you buy ingredients for a meal from the store, you are probably going to have some ingredients remaining to use in another meal.
I think he’s actually been wearing them a bit shorter in recent times, though still not properly. I am sure he think a longer tie slims him
Or he could have been a bad swimmer and didn’t realize he was jumping into deep water. Note also that drowning people often don’t thrash at all but go down quietly, which could be why his drowning went unnotticed. Also, wiki: A death by misadventure, as recorded by coroners and on death certificates and associated…
I think I’ll do a lot better blowing a 0.02 than refusing and being presumptively convicted of a DUI. Cops don’t have a lot of reason to arrest drivers they don’t think are drunk and who don’t blow a 0.08—”after midnight” or not—and prosecutors aren’t going to prosecute them.
Arizona might be “no tolerance” but it has the standard 0.08 threshold for DUI. So if you have had just a drink or two but aren’t intoxicated and refuse the tests, you are probably giving yourself a serious conviction rather than walking away after passing the tests.
And somehow, stoppage time is usually still 5 minutes. Americans look at the play-acting, manipulation, and shrouded timekeeping and say, now why don’t they have a real clock?
Just one note, the morning shakes that a habitual heavy drinker gets are a common withdrawal symptom but are not necessarily the DTs. Delireum tremens is a specific and quite serious clinical condition. You might have the shakes the morning after drinking as you sober and your body wants more alcohol, but the DTs…
I can see the St Louis newspaper doing this kind of assignment. It’s a pretty click-worthy story.
I don’t think it’s too far off in terms of how “Southern” the Bootheel is--the region kind of points toward Memphis and Arkansas. But yeah, the house is over the top. It looks more “restored public mansion” than just big old elegant home.
Yes, someone with her tolerance could function. What I find a bit less realistic about these portrayals is that when you are drinking that much, even if you can act sober, you smell like alcohol (breath mints or mouthwash don’t help much, nor does drinking clear spirits like vodka because most of the smell is the…
Show does fairly well at small-town Missouri, but like most such portrayals, overdoes the “smallness” and the hickishness. It’s obviously not a speck on the road; in a town that size the police chief would’t operate out of a sweltering little room in a wood shack and he wouldn’t be so resistant to or nonplussed by the…
I know! I’ve seen it mentioned in reviews a few times but I missed it. Is this one of those details that was only given in reviewers’ packets from HBO?
Yes, someone with her tolerance could function. What I find a bit less realistic about these portrayals is that when you are drinking that much, even if you can act sober, you smell like alcohol (breath mints or mouthwash don’t help much, nor does drinking clear spirits like vodka because most of the smell is the…
Yeah yeah yeah, and I am just going to assume the Russians are dopers so I’m very glad they lost.
Hockey has guys trying to sell foul calls, and more recently specifically when the stick comes about the face and the player snaps the head back as if he has been shot. Hockey does have diving penalties, and fines for repeat offenders. But hockey players don’t do the ridiculous rolling around in agony followed by a…