
I think you hit the nail on the head. It’s kind of a shitty trap that I can see a lot of them falling into. Like Oprah, as she mentioned. Or Kirstie Alley. You lose weight and get a sponsor and I would imagine at that point the pressure is immense and the fear of falling off the wagon is immense and it all snowballs

So Rebel Wilson is the one who monetized the shit out of her weight loss but I imagine its a monkey’s paw situation. They go for it because it is lucrative and it feels like positive reinforcement, but it just traps them into the bad thinking patterns of the diet industry and unhealthy relationships with their bodies.

Pretty sure Rebel Wilson is the one always talking about her body.

Never heard of her, but this article makes me not like her, I’m unsure if it is the writers take or her quotes, but what a whiny self involved person she is coming across as.

Sorry, can’t take a comment about doing “more research” seriously when you clearly did not read my entire piece, lol!

Agreed. And I would go so far as to say I really don’t want to see anyone’s ass cheeks in public, with the exception of if you’re wearing a thong at the beach. If that’s your deal, you do you--on your own beach towel. But c’mon folks. I thought we could all agree that going out in public with your ass cheeks hanging

Lizzo needs to understand when something like that is appropriate-like at a beach or an MTV Awards show or at a fashion awards show where people expect to see an exposed rear end. Your examples of other people showing their buns are pointedly not at basketball games. Incidentally, people very much talked about those

Children don’t need night time skincare routines. Which is probably why that appears so fake. Lol.

Yeah. Kim Kardashion looks like she’s dripping in jizz which.... maybe the farthest from camp?

It is because you are thinking of it in terms of hard cash. Kylie does not have a billion in cash, in a vault somewhere, gathered from selling lip gloss. The company which she allegedly heads up is valued at a billion. That is if they were to sell shares today, the value of the shares would equal a billion. However,

I do not and will never understand why anyone would want to buy this trash person’s trash cosmetics.

I just cannot wrap my head around the idea that she has become a billionaire by selling $27 lip gloss kits. That’s a hell of a lot of lip gloss. 

The devil works hard but Kris Jenner works harder. She’s pulled out all the PR stops to save their show. 

Travis is right. I pulled up with like 77% rage once, and it was so not on fleek and stuff.

Keto was so 2018.  I'm doing the Rigo-morti™ diet 

Any diet that’s named after a process that occurs when normal people start going into starvation isn’t a healthy diet.

The first rule of keto diet: You *must* talk about the keto diet. 

Keto isn’t a healthy diet. It’s an extreme diet that forces your body into a starvation state. You are supposed to eat an absolute bare minimum of carbs. People eating a true ketogenic diet are eating mainly meat and dairy.

That’s an unusual place to keep them.

You can have my carbs when you pry them from my cold, dead, un-smelly crotch.