
GASP!! Ryan Adams tries to be a heterosexual male! Oh, the outrage!! He should have had a therapy clinic or tried doing some other gender neutral libtard shit.

I agree with you on most of this, but the world doesn't really need any more Mandy Moore music. 

I really don’t care what a child thinks about products. I want to know the opinions of adults, who have adult skins with fine lines, wrinkles, zits, hectic schedules, financial commitments...

It’s so disingenuous for the alt-right to use him that way, since most LGBTQ people I know are just as unnerved by drag kids who perform in adult clubs as straight people are by child beauty pageants. Children should be allowed to play and explore their self-image without the pressure and exposure of branded/monetized

Yeah, even in the LGBTQ community, it is implicitly understood that drag is for everyone... that is adult.

Posting videos of this child is wrong. He is being exploited by every adult he knows. Tracy, you are participating in child abuse. Shame on you, and Jezebel.

Yes, my first thought was, “why is this kid allowed to read hate comments on his videos? Why aren’t the adults in his life protecting him from exposure to verbal abuse?” I’m old so maybe I just don’t understand the whole ‘tiny children as social media influencers’ phenomenon, but it makes me nervous how exposed a lot

Please don’t enable this. He’s being pushed by his parents and the alt-right is claiming that he’s being ‘sexualized’ by the LGBTQ agenda. It’s bad all around. 

Why is this on Jezebel?

I cannot stand Bradley Cooper.  There.  I said it.  He is insufferable on film and off.  This may be irrational, but its the way I feel.

It’s peak patriarchy, but I don’t think Khloe has the brain capacity to understand why or how.

Wow, you guys turned on him fairly quickly.  You do know the reason you’re tired of hearing about him is because you’ve done like 10 stories in the past couple of weeks about him right?

I still really want to hate this movie. I can’t explain it. It makes me feel bad about myself, how much I want to hate this. 

I found this headline to be much more trashy and manipulative than a typical Jezebel headline, and was sincerely surprised. Titles like this are why I refuse to read BuzzFeed. So far all my comments have been approved, so if this one isn’t at least we know why.

Everything that Lady Gaga does always seems a teensy bit fake and deliberate. Like, girl, it’s alright, you don’t have to make everything you say so theatrical and grandiose.

This is the exact right take. I was a fan at the time, and even I was like “what is she doing on SNL?”

Is there really any expectation for pop stars to write their own music though? I mean some do, but that’s not especially common, and when we’re talking new artists, the songs are rarely ones that were written for that particular artist in mind. The songs that made Britney Spears a star definitely weren’t. .....Baby

Alan Jackson was in bed with Cracker Barrel around the same time they were settling all those discrimination lawsuits.

Yeah, but fuck Alan Jackson.

I feel she has an inflated sense of the non-importance of this incident and how that incident played out. As I recall, in general, it was already a joke that SNL had her on as a musical guest. She was never someone people were clamoring for, and for all the talk about her record going “no. 1", I think we all know that