Dr. Jue C. Bluntz

Funny thing no one has caught onto yet is Trump has been bashing Muslims, Mexicans, and pretty much any other minority he can get a shot in on and no one has batted an eyelash. Instantly upon insulting (white)women the whole GOP & country is in an uproar. Chew on that for a minute.

Saltwater is the answer, screw all the weekly chemicals & tests. A hefty saltwater chlorine generator and a few hundred pounds of pool salt combined with a pump able to circulate enough GPH(gallons per hour) and you’re golden. I advise anyone with a pool to look into it, it really is great.

You do realize, Kessel, Hornqvist, & Bonino, three huge factors in their success AREN’T Shero’s players at all. Sheary may have been invited to play with the Baby Pens in Shero’s last moments but wasn’t signed to a significant deal until AFTER Shero left town. Not to mention how ignorant it is to give Shero alone