Whether you need a new Wi-Fi router, more ethernet ports, a modem to call your own, or some smart switches to start…
Whether you need a new Wi-Fi router, more ethernet ports, a modem to call your own, or some smart switches to start…
Are you sure that’s not Johnny Depp cosplaying as himself as Jack Sparrow? Because holy hell. I can’t really see a difference! Dude could totally replace Depp in a future movie as far as looks go.
Well thank God, the first game was a little too sunshine-and-roses for my tastes.
Oh yes, Platinum doesn’t really compare.
Jason. This review is phenomenal. One of the best things Kotaku has ever done. *slow clap*
Just can’t go to a cemetary and dig up graves. It’s dead...
Bush, for all his bumbling, had prior experience in government, came from a family of people with prior experience in the government and military, had a team of advisors (for good or ill) with years and years of not just government experience but Executive Branch experience. Not only is Trump utterly unprepared and…
Watch Dogs 2's “seamless multiplayer” mode won’t be available when it launches today, Ubisoft said in a statement…
So the actors actually have chemistry, and seem to enjoy each other’s company? Just further proof that we desperately need an animated series.
It never left.
No, no one does. Everyone has stopped.
Embrace the dark side. Become the Roadhog you despise.
I enjoyed Battleborn myself. My best friend bought me a copy so we could play together. He preferred the MOBA elements to Overwatch’s shooter play style.
Battleborn is like Barb from Stranger Things. . and Overwatch is Will Byers. . .
Quake Champions, Bethesda’s arena shooter for PC, is looking awesome. Its debut gameplay trailer just dropped,…
Plot twist. The dead person was also playing Pokemon Go, but was staring at his phone and walked off a bridge trying to catch a Gyarados.
This game looks stupid and I’m tired of hearing about it every other day. Fuck you and fuck this game.
Wheres the honey badger?