Paxton Berrier

"What if something happens to Jake and he never gets to meet my baby? I don't want to hang out with some stupid baby that's never met Jake." Possibly my new favorite Charles line. I laughed waaaay too hard.

I had a friend who watched each season finale and premiere, each time focusing on the "previously on…" to get an overall feel of the season. It's not the best way, but with a show like this where about half the episodes are a part of the season's arc that seemed to be the fewest episodes possible.

Exactly. It was a lot of work (and one of the most tragic deaths for me personally) for nothing.

I feel like season 6 is only viewed as a letdown because it came after season 5. I personally enjoyed it, especially compared to practically any other season but 5. I think the writers struggled with keeping all the lore straight after Kripke left, which is still a problem with the show now, but other than that season

I'm really enjoying Crowley this season! Tonight's episode is one of my favorite's for him! (Right up there with the season 8 finale)

I don't know what was worse, my dread that they would be major players later on (which I suppose is still possible since no one really dies on this show), or my frustration when I realized they were completely pointless.

Before I make any comment on the current season, I would like to say that I started watching Supernatural right after the season 8 finale, and thanks to Netflix (and the fact that I go to a college with nothing to do outside of class but binge watch and binge drink) I have seen ever episode at least three times.