
I disagree strongly with this. You are mostly picking at edge cases or revealing flaws in the model without suggesting a better one. The old saying that “All models are wrong, but some are useful” definitely applies here.

I saw a long thread on Reddit where Latino people hate Latinx.

agreed 100%. i added goat cheese and roasted garlic and was blown away

motor city was really enjoyable

While not a Supermarket, Costco carries my new favorite frozen pizza, Motor City Pizza Co, Detroit style pizzas:

I’m just going to come out and say it:

I really don’t understand this marketing campaign for The Flash.

I’m not surprised they couldn’t replicate the success of Pokemon Go. I can’t think of another beloved IP that so immediately makes you wish you could walk around and see its characters within the real world, the pitch writes itself. The fact that they tried to stretch that concept to also fit so many other properties

please stop doing these as slideshows. slideshows suck

>saying it “proves” she’s lying

No... The evidence proved she was lying. It was clearly not “a single mistake” either, as was highlighted in the trial, which you admit you stayed away from. There were multiple, MULTIPLE examples. Also, she shit the bed. Literally and figuratively. Blargh.

You can be both against Amber

Out of all the fast food breakfast sandwiches I’ve had nothing beats a McDonalds steak egg and cheese on a bagel.

This is leaked concept art for Sonic Frontiers

You see all the people in the stock photo? They are eating their burgers wrong.

Nope. Listen, I’ve loved Diablo from day 1, played Hellfire, used to wake up before school to grind for runes in D2, and enjoyed D3 post auction house, but there is no way in hell I’m downloading Immortal. Yeah, I could play for free, but number of downloads is still a metric Blizzard uses; number of “potential

At some point in 2021 I decided to max out Friendship with every character I have. It lead me to using some pretty weird, non-optimal team comps but made the game more challenging and fun. I even discovered the joy of playing as some characters that I initially dismissed as weak or not useful. It was a bittersweet mome

This makes me less likely to try Beyond Meat.

I can say it didn’t look much like the trailer in the article, but I haven’t seen whatever other clips have been released on tiktok. I’d say it’s “highly probable” that the developer saw a chance to get some articles written to promote his game, whether or not it actually influenced the scene in the film.

Thank you!

The feature; the ability to middle click on an enemy unit to see detailed stats about it, special abilities, loadout etc.