
People are idiots. Ebay should not allow you to sell a thing you do not have. Can’t sell systems before launch, can’t sell tickets to events before they are shipped out, etc.

Exactly. I’m not wild about the whole cancel culture thing, but the hypocrisy is soo blatant.

I’ve been working on making little patterns with them, a recent one:

I’m mostly PC, but I do have PS4. So I was leaning towards the PS5 first generation. But this is a pretty smart way of doing a launch.

I'm surprised that Mike Z doesn't own the rights to skull girls, he's been working on that game for like 10+ years. I figured he / his company owned it. I guess they might have sold it to the publisher.

I would be more on Epic’s side if they left Google out of this. You can already sideload apps on Android. Sideloading seems like the ideal solution (in Epics eyes) to the Apple Store problem.

While racist assholes should be shot into the sun. I don’t think we should be rewriting history to remove a win by a racist asshole.

No Dr. Strangelove or Citizen Kane??

I liked the first (2?) Fables. It was fun, but did feel a bit lacking, especially since it delivered on like 1% of what they said it would do.

I like the idea of just checking if you have the game. Checking the “did you finish it” part seems bad for a few reasons:
- You aren’t going to finish many bad games, this would increase game ratings
- Many games don’t “finish”
- Somebody would have to program their system to look for the different names of the

I also like how the ads loaded quickly. But I had to wait a bit for the comics to load... 

The only thing I can think of, is that saying “unfollow this person or I will block you” could be against the rules.

Man, that Tencent investment was killer. Perfect timing right there.

Ok, this is stupid.

Only semi related, but a question for the “abolish police” crowd.

It seems like a mistake to say “36 games but we are only going to tell you about 10 now”.

Yeah I’m not a research therapist or whatever. IIRC conventional wisdom was that “don’t mention suicide you’re going to give them ideas”.

It’s a little scary how fast this moves. Hypothetically (I am not saying that this is the case) someone can make up a story about someone they had a beef with before.

While I don’t want to pay more for new games, and I find myself buying fewer new games, and instead I am waiting a year or two. I don’t really have a problem with this.