
He should be disqualified and the Nobel Prize should go to the runner up: Vince Young

Nope, this guy would have been Medicare eligible. 65+

Oh look outrage junky is outraged. How is this an apology? Producers are sleazy and create an environment where these things become predictable.

I have not watched reality TV since Real World: Las Vegas. Obviously nothing has changed. Give exhibitionists alcohol put them in a hot tub, see what happens.

Stone's always been commie with a soft spot for tough guys. He definitely prefers those macho bandoleered Latin American revolutionaries who are always terrible at governing to the wimpy consensus oriented social democrats of Northern Europe. But Putin's no Lefty, it appears machismo is now Stone's ideology. Next doc:

Well it's a piece of a worldview. It's not just Sandy Hook and 9/11, but everything is potentially a false flag for Jones. Of course if you really believed all of these things you'd never leave your homemade bunker.

Man I remember when being a 9/11 truther was enough to get people mad.

It's hard to blame them. If you can tie a celebrity to some sort of political controversy it's basically clickbait gold. It's also how a reality game show host became President.

*Sterling Hayden

I usually find claims of cultural appropriation specious at best, but there is something astonishingly desperate and lazy about Perry. Her SNL performance for instance was just a sad attempt at trendiness by association, "here are the drag queens, here are the rappers, here is a youtube celebrity"

Just remember there's no contradiction with being "woke" and demanding that chauffeurs not make eye contact with you.…

Ah well if you don't find him funny I can't argue with that. I like him, but he's clearly not everyone's cup of tea. But I don't think you can really say he's more ideological than those other guys.

Satire isn't gracious. Think of the classic example of "A Modest Proposal". That was actually quite shocking and needless to say offensive to many at the time. Again as I said, I feel those other guys play it safe, preach to choir and if they ever have an unorthodox opinion, keep it to themselves. Maher maybe a prick,

I completely disagree, Stewart, Oliver and Colbert simply pander to certain point of view. They would never offend or challenge the perceptions of anyone in their core audience. (this is not to say they don't have talent) I don't think you can be a master satirist if you've never said anything controversial.

Yes and Dick Gregory titled his autobiography after it, but you know what I mean. It wasn't heard much in contemporary popular culture aside from the occasional Eddie Murphy routine.

This is true and I take your point. But very few people prior to Cube had multi-platinum records that heavily used the term. Prior to NWA it really didn't have a place in the media.

No, that's true. Still its ironic that Cube, of all people, would be calling him out.

If the word is being used flippantly in the culture Cube has some responsibility for that. Which is part of why NWA was so controversial at the time.

It's completely true. If Jesse Jackson has an issue with Maher at least he has a consistent record of opposing its use.

No one has done more to popularize that term than Ice Cube.