
Actually, it would be nice to see some better character development in poor Edith now that she has inherited the magazine. I am a little tired of the Sad Trombone Factor myself. I think the actress deserves better too. Edith the character could be made to bloom in various ways as the series matures and slowly moves

Wwhaaah Wwhahhhh!

I was on a train like that once!

Gawd I hope not. This would be too maudlin and predictable.

Miss Bunting was rude, mannerless and was not worthy of someone with Tom's polish and depth. Her brand of social reform included an outright lack of manners. It would have been disappointing had Fellowes put them together for anything serious and long term.

Somebody made a comment about Daisy and Tom possibly ending up together inasmuch as Daisy is showing her rebellious streak in a social reform kind of way. That seems like an interesting twist since the two have "downstairs" in common and Tom has always felt out of place with the family, in addition to having social

Typically, movie cats MUST be trained to remain mellow on sets and it ain't easy with a cat. It's a different setting from a cat being in a familiar home with his familiar family.

True, the young ones soon get quite restless, sometimes to the point of getting rather upset. This child doesn't react to anything. She seems quite disconnected to the action around her and really seems disconnected to whoever is holding her, not even getting restless and upset. She does not ever make eye contact with

Ya but he has been briefly shown being up and about, playing with the other children or interacting with an adult. Even when being held, the littles are sitting up looking about. Not Marigold. She seems to be always sort of draped over the adult, completely disconnected from the action and really, from the adult

HAHA back in the 1950s and '60s the jokes were about giving a restless child Paregoric (tincture of opium)!! It was normally prescribed for diarrhea but obviously had a narcotic effect and always caused the child to become drowsy enough to go to sleep, hence the jokes concerning unruly or restless children.

Glad you mentioned Mrs. Drewe. Marigold was doing just fine in the Drewe family. Mrs. Drewe was a good mother and the girl was happy. For two years. Then Edith and the aristocrats come along and exercise their arrogant we-can-do-anything-we-want and remove the child from a healthy environment to spirit her off to some

Will you relax? You accuse me of "diagnosing" the kid with Down's and informing me I don't know a thing about it yet YOU are absolutely one hundred percent certain the child is fine and you don't even know her, never met her any more than I have! There is a 50% chance, therefore, that one of us is correct and the

No, it's not just because she has a "funny little face". Besides her little face she clearly presents behaviors that are considerably different from the other children. She APPEARS to POSSIBLY be developmentally impaired. And no, I do not "feel bad" for wondering. YOU should feel bad for being so angrily ugly and

One thing I DO know: you are incredibly uptight to the point of completely unnecessary rudeness. How about standing down and having a normal conversation. It makes absolutely no difference whatsoever whether I am wrong or not. I get to suggest something or comment about something as long as I am respectful, something

Is it just me or is Edith's daughter a little off? She isn't animated at all and remains very quiet in all her appearances. The other children are very animated when on camera and always seem to be doing something or involved in play of some kind. Marigold, on the other hand, seems always to be quietly clinging to

The Isis story was sort of weird. Family pets DO occasionally die but in this series it seemed kind of odd and out of place since she had not really been seen much and wasn't a major character. In other words, what purpose did killing the dog serve to enhance or move long any storyline or subplot? It just seemed sort

Mary is a self-absorbed and more-unpleasant-than-not person. I will never forget her ranting, cruel dressing down of Mr. Carson last year, squarely "putting him in his place." Her arrogance and lack of compassion are becoming tiresome. I enjoy this program immensely but there are times when it seems that the writers