
But his name is Ted, which has been pretty thoroughly ruined as a scary name since teddy bears co-opted the name.

As a Skins fan and an asshole I love this

“It’s never too early for a long term commitment to cousins.”

When you've had the kind of drought the Skins have had, there comes a time that even your Cousins start to look pretty good.

Skin Tags don't cost $20 million, Tom. If anything it'd probably be no more than a few hundred to get those little bastards off Kirk's neck.


White people who compare mild to moderate situations/annoyances to MLK’s struggle are the fucking worst.

NFL security requested that state police bring the balls to the stadium? And they did? Great use of taxpayer money.

This would also be perfect for Steak.

I never particularly listened to a lot of Bowie, other than the stuff that everyone knows, and I am genuinely, deeply saddened by this news. He was one of those people I was thrilled to know existed, even if I hadn’t engaged with his work all that much. I guess I just assumed he (and Lemmy) would be here to turn out

Just gutted in a way I haven’t been in ages.

The dead end was frustrating, because, as a fat feminist, I was hungry to find out who the original poster could be so I could then eat them.