
It’s been awhile since I have seen Paris is Burning, but I never got the impression that it isa portrait of queer POC interfacing with the harsh realities of white patriarchy”

Such an incredible film, and a model for ethical documentary filmmaking. I’m a doc filmmaker too, and I loathe how so many doc filmmakers barge into their stories as if they are wearing pith helmets ready to study the quaint natives in their natural habitat. They are intellectual colonists, coming in and extracting

Article 15 Non-Judicial Punishment. You step on your dick somehow and the command relieves you of a stripe, some money, and you spend a few weeks scrubbing shitters while your buddies drink beer and laugh at you. Colloquially known as getting "ninja punched."

And dip. A log of copenhagen is worth untold riches in the field.

on other troop news, anyone see this:

Haven’t seen a trans drive someone into such irrationality since Smokey.

The Troops worry about if the person next to them is going to get them killed, or NJP'd, or cockblocked on liberty, or if they're going to fall out of a ruck march and you'll have to carry their shit for the next 20 miles while they sit in the back of a Humvee with a thermometer up their ass. That's about it.

If I know my upper Midwest folk, and I do, that daughter will likely be pregnant at 16 because she’ll be too scared of Mommy Dearest to get BC AND believes you can’t get pregnant your first time because real sex education is prohibited. 

I remember Dan Savage using a similar line (and it might have been when he was a guest on Bill Maher’s first show, the one cancelled after 9/11). Some GOP politician was ranting about “the innocent children and Dan Savage, deadpan, shot back well, what about the guilty children, then?

And making a burger out of wagyu is such a waste of good meat. It deserves to be kept whole so you can actually taste it.

Any restaurant that uses gold leaf to make “fancy” foods should be carpet bombed. Any restaurant with a burger over $20 should be carpet bombed. Any restaurant with a women’s specific item on the menu should be carpet bombed. Any restaurant that serves Redbull, especially if they charge $7.50 for it, should be carpet

Also, “I’m so appalled by this halftime show that degrades women that I am going to boycott this game I otherwise would have happily watched featuring a player convicted of domestic assault & battery on his pregnant girlfriend!” is certainly a take.

“I am very offended by the performance of porn on a supposed family occasion,”

I’m am willing to bet that 100% of these complaints come from the women that voted for Trump.

I really don’t like Bill Maher....he’s a terrible person. However, one of the funniest things I ever heard came out of his mouth. I was watching his show once because someone I liked was on....can’t even remember who it was. Someone started in about “what about the children?” in relation to something stupid like this.

This is a common tactic of certain people who think that throwing unrelated issues into an argument makes their argument stronger.

And where’s the Me Too women? Do you not see the hypocrisy?

You know what does work to turn them white? Soaking them in vodka. Vodka is often the answer to many, many of life’s questions.

Technically, the mystery isn’t how to melt them down, it’s how to get the molten candy gelatin to behave like dessert gelatin. doesn’t.

It’s unfortunate that so few people, especially those in power, understand that money only moves in one direction: Up. There is no realistic “trickle down” effect, and giving tax breaks to the wealthy will never stimulate the economy. Find a way to let the lower economic classes have more money and it will ultimately