
I use it as a ‘freshen up’ when I get up in the morning (I usually shower before bed). Especially since my dog LOVES to wake me up by ‘washing’ my face!

I use it as a ‘freshen up’ when I get up in the morning (I usually shower before bed). Especially since my dog LOVES

This is giving me serious flashbacks to the early ‘90s and the “Women Who Run With Wolves”/Mother Goddess woo I got sucked into back then(in my defense, I was clinically depressed and grasping). So. Much WOO...

I always love to hear stuff like this. Good for him! I’m definitely following him on Twitter now!

Steely Dan puts on a great show. I saw them last year, less than a week after I had my gall bladder out. :) It was worth it.


I’m living for the day we don’t have to even reference it anymore.


Awww! Thank you! :)


Ya habibi! :)


That didn’t stop Denise Richards...

**HUGS** Good for you! Hang in there!

This has got to be one of the classiest statements in reference to a celebrity death I think I've ever seen.


Don't know where you live, but where I live? All the drive-ins shut down within the last 20-or-so years. The land was too valuable.

This captures my reaction when I heard this PERFECTLY.

You win the GIF wars

Find someone you know (at work, old school friend, whatever) who has a daughter in Girl Scouts. Make them your supplier.

My best friend since Jr. High is mine—she sold me cookies back then, now her daughter sells me cookies. It’s aaaaallll goood.....

It was the ‘80s. We all pretty much had horrible taste.

Heck yeah! Just like when my Dad was in the Navy—the off-limits places in port were the first ones you’d hit on liberty!

I’ve been friends with Channing for about 16 years now—I’m so excited for her! I was hoping you guys would cover this :)