it was a ‘jazz cigarette’ man! Totally a ‘jazz cigarette’! With...uh...with herbs! Yeah...that’s it!
it was a ‘jazz cigarette’ man! Totally a ‘jazz cigarette’! With...uh...with herbs! Yeah...that’s it!
I need this outfit.
those floral dresses look like they were made from fabrics in the home decorating department of JoAnns....
oh wow! Never saw I need to!
Cher is definitely the Original Gangsta in this group! All hail the Queen of Sequined Madness!
Most definitely!
*shrug* until it opened near me, I thought it served primarily desserts.
I grew up in Seattle and never heard of it until I was in my mid-20s—from what I gather, it was more of an east-coast thing for a long time. Never had it on dungeness crab...
Don’t worry—I didn’t know what “Old Bay” seasoning was until I was in my mid-20s. For a long time, I think it was mostly an east coast thing (and I’m from the west)...
The olive thing? Awesome.
I had friends who kept a jar of Grey Poupon mustard in their locker and periodically would pass it around (it was never actually opened) while saying “Grey Poupon?” like in the tv commercials back in the day...
Whidbey, actually.
that was the thing to do in the barracks, when I was in the Navy. When I got out, I had a bunch of VHS dupes in a storage box...of course, they all got tossed in the new age of DVDs and now downloading/streaming.
I wanna be her when I grow up :)
I’m pretty sure who did it...problem is, we rotate shifts and I don’t know when I’ll overlap with her again.
I’ve taken to putting my name on my milk because people were helping themselves to that as’s so damn frustrating.
awww! Thank you!
YESSSSS!!! Karma in all it’s glorious splendor!
Oh man...that’s just beautiful.
A friend of mine worked housekeeping at a small boutique hotel one of the islands here in WA. She told me more than once of having to clean up human feces either on the carpet or the beds themselves (the beds were feather beds, with goose-down duvets). People are freaking disgusting.