In Gardocki's story, he tells you he was raped as well. Nowhere on the graph does it list female or male statistics. Men, women and children get raped.
In Gardocki's story, he tells you he was raped as well. Nowhere on the graph does it list female or male statistics. Men, women and children get raped.
Labelling people? You label yourself when you reply to my comments about catcalling and offers to fuck me hard with a "nothing wrong with men hitting on a woman" comment.
Recipe please! I love Mexican rice, and I have tried many versions, but haven't found the right one yet...
Oh, how offensive it is when someone finds you attractive! Ugh!
I think you and I would get along. I had a five hour argument with the deacon who baptized my kids (after tons of pressure from the in-laws) about Original Sin and the role of women in the church. I was deemed a blasphemous and sinful feminist, and was told that my marriage would never last. My kids were baptized, but…
Don't mix seeds when sowing a field or wear a garment with mixed fibers. 19:19
Oh, I hope there is a huge 6'7" bear (with your morals and values) in your vicinity the next time you get drunk.
Meh. I breastfed two boys for 2 1/2 years each because I was too poor to buy formula.
Thank you, Joanne! Well said.
The UN troops are a little busy trying to prevent genocide in other areas, often (coincidentally!) carried out by militia-style rebel groups with small arms...
Your table 2.2o makes note that in every age category, men have more collisions overall.
That cultural dysfunction, as you quaintly put it, is related to higher levels of poverty and the connection with gang related crime. Gun crime is a huge problem, but society's dysfunction makes it much worse.
Canada has the 13th highest rate of gun ownership in the world, out of 192 countries. How is that misleading?
You mentioned a G2 licence, so I will assume you are from Ontario. According to these stats (not anecdotal info) more young men have fatal accidents (Fig 3) and the numbers are significantly higher than the ones for young women. Look at Table 1 as well.
And that is a problem because? Our gun laws are designed to allow people to use guns in certain situations only, and as a result, our levels of gun crime are much lower than in the U.S.
Guns, yes. Guns with clips that hold 50 bullets that can shoot at a rate unimaginable by the original authors of the Constitution, not so much.
I live in Canada. We have a very high per capita gun ownership, and very few gun homicides by comparison to the U.S. - firearms must be registered, people must take a gun safety course and pass, and there is a 28 day waiting period while they do a background check and a psychological exam. We have hunters, target…
I live in Canada. We have a very high per capita gun ownership, and very few gun homicides by comparison to the U.S. - firearms must be registered, people must take a gun safety course and pass, and there is a 28 day waiting period while they do a background check and a psychological exam. We have hunters, target…
I am married, and I love to cook, and it is OUR kitchen. Hubs makes all kinds of things and he loves to cook. My two boys, age 20 and 14, love to cook too.