Such family values those Palins have! How conservative! Premarital sex, child out of wedlock, teaching the little ones to write gay slurs online and swear on video, divorce after 14 months and now asking for custody of the guns.
Such family values those Palins have! How conservative! Premarital sex, child out of wedlock, teaching the little ones to write gay slurs online and swear on video, divorce after 14 months and now asking for custody of the guns.
As the feminist mom of two young men, I would also like to repeat LOUDLY:
So how did wolves manage to keep from making elk extinct before man came along with bounty hunts? Wolves don't normally kill and leave prey unless they are frightened away by something else.
Anne Bonny begs to disagree with you. She lived 'til age 80 and had 12 children.
This! Wolves take down the injured and the sick and act as a population control, unless they are starving. I have a hard time believing that wolves kill enough livestock to make this necessary in any way.
I did :) Fangirl that I am...
Anne McCaffrey, Diana Gabaldon (historical/time-traveler/witty as hell), Madeleine L'Engle, Octavia Butler,
Perhaps a few less exclamation marks?
Yeah, all of us who don't listen to the giant male brains around us just waste our time getting women's studies degrees so that we can sit around and ruin society with our theories.
Would the offenses be even worse if he was a POC?
YES! Thank you from a fellow reader.
Yeah, as soon as I started reading the feminist articles, I decided to throw my two male children and my husband out of the house. Amazing how long I tolerated them before getting 'awakened' to the feminist mantra of hating men.
Moms for ALL, ALL for MOMS! :)
Nothing is more manly than insulting women! Especially if you are a mouth-breather troll. Sooooo sexy and manly. I bet you make money off your manliness, dontcha?
I would like to know the name of the architectural firm that designed Mariah's dress, because she looks very well supported.
Oh, hell yes! Solidarity, Sister!
Goldie Hawn is almost 70. Goldie Hawn has been in entertainment for almost 50 years now. Fuck Star magazine and their 'UV damaged skin' and bullshitty bitchery at older women.
I laughed until I could laugh no more, and then I laughed and cried. The pic of the guy with the axes did me in.
They did a fantastic job on the costumes! Talented bunch of wardrobe members.
Mansplaining - what would we do without it?