@The Devil and Daniel Murphy: It's a regional chamber - I guess they call it CincinnatiUSA because CincinnatiOHKYIN sounds even more lame.
@The Devil and Daniel Murphy: It's a regional chamber - I guess they call it CincinnatiUSA because CincinnatiOHKYIN sounds even more lame.
"All curses void while playing the Reds - 2 for 1 Hudepohls at all Cincinnati home games!"
@HitandRunMarshawnRun: YOU LIKE TO PLAY GAMES, GENE!?!?
@Afino: seems to be here for me. switched over to google chrome - wouldn't blame you if you chose not to though.
@ZombieTorre: The Noid. . . Fucking. Classic.
@paxcincinnatus: HTML FAIL, shithead.
@a complete ass-bag without the rest of the Who?
@AliciaSacramonesBrownie: tick, tick, tick . . .
@Chad Sexington: grammar and spelling don't matter when you're being that earnest
@quick: you and me both, ese
@Dave J.: i know - that thing looks like something elton john would serve tea and biscuts on
@Chamomiles Davis: watch out! -my friends my friends, they have a knife!
@JohnnyDakotaStateU: "you will not have to live within 10 miles of campus" next to unfunny hoi polloi blog commenters . . .
norwood strikes again! who would ever want to live in tucson when they can live in a run-down inner-ring cincinnati suburb?
@Ugueth Urbina's Machete: when was the last time you listened to the mxpx cds that are in the shoebox stashed in the back of the coat closet?
the real question is "what does uncle wes think about all this?"
@MattinglysSideburns: sum up his experience in one word: Fin . . . maybe they're so jazzed because they all just got back from a date w/Ikea?
@dont-forget-where-you-came-from-cheese mac: ding ding ding. . . we have a winner!
@ThierryHenry: Forget it kid, we're from fly-over county. Ain't no two ways to slice that pie.
@Laser Guided: You from the Region?