
@Pete Gaines: You're entileted to your opinion - but I just can't agree less. Bloomington is the same distance from Indy as Lawrence is from KC (a little more than a half hour) - and having worked in both locales, there is nothing you can say that will convince me that KC is more interesting than Indy.

@Bobby_Big_Wheel: mr. brownstone was written about the dealer living/working in the brownstone terrace apartments off of dunn st.

@Michael Bertin: i kid, i kid - i'm not one to Spit On a Stranger

@VTBen: did you ever follow the David Cross vs. Pitchfork saga? Hilarious.

@MattMillenFanClub: ahhh . .i've got a thing for the carpenter's special too - flat as a board and easy to nail.

"So this fuck strips my roommate down and inserts a whole fucking strand of anal beads into this poor chap's ass"

@VTBen: sampson made coach d look like wooden. i thought mike was aweful.

@Civil Negligence: there's where you're wrong - hoosiers go to holiday world, not the riviera

@Juancho: you best put that Firefly reference down, raise your hands wheres I can see 'em, and start walking away. slowly. . .

(Mr.) Brownstone Terrace strikes again!

@WanderingBear: . . . and finish your drinks and tip your waitresses!

will anyone notice the money he steals while wearing a tampa bay hat?