
@Bunkie Perkins: she should date the peregrine falcon dude - from bird obsessed to bird detest.

I am thankful that my parents live in FT Wayne and I get to see Nightmare Ant on opening night of the NBDL

Jamboroo Surprise - my favorite . . .

welcome to gritsville, son. glad to have you.

@SagerBombs: ahh, but with that $4 brought tired old jokes, mildly interesting articles and fresh monthly challenge for enterprising teenagers to steal.

@Pete Gaines: maybe the paint got in his eye? lord that was ugly last night.

there might have been about 80,000,000 reasons to walk out on the clips.

can't say as i blame him - i'd be terrified of pulling a bear bryant too.

@B: you've got me there, but this was in ap english

@Doyle McPoyle: that movie totally blew. we watched some lame movies in school too, off the top of my head i can think of:

@Clare: they're no dire straits, though

@UpstateUnderdog: ahh, "the dan" - self-indulgent soft prog-jazz. great production value though, i'll give you that.

@TracyHamandEggs!: I hope Matt can find a pair of happy feet that were as depressing as Mitchell's. Every time the D even looked at him, he started prancing around.

OKC should have hired hometown hero wayne coyne to design their unis. At least it would be interesting to watch them while they lose.

"We have exactly 'this' much chance of winning today - and that is an improvement" - R.M.

@Kid Canada: better than looking like adult theo . . . have you seen that guy?

@Clare: I love Japancakes too - but I've never heard them referred to as bluegrass. To me they sound like Quaaludes and orange sherbet while the sun sets.