And thus explains the great Lions boxers purge of 2008.
And thus explains the great Lions boxers purge of 2008.
@Phil Mickelsons Man Tits: your repeated attempts to direct the conversation to funnier (and punnier) ground have failed once again . . .
@StuScott Booyahs: no doubt,you should see what he did to the last guy who misspelled reisling . . .
@Gourmet Spud: now that he's cut loose, he's just another wandering star
@crazyjoedavola: i like the anology - and a comedy pyramid is kinda like standing shoulder to shoulder and shooting anything that moves until you can't think straight anymore.
@Brady's-Knee-Solution: nude hammer toss? i shudder.
@MeSoHornsby: Same situation here in gritsville.
@ArkansasFred: . . . I may not *buy* cigaettes myself. . .
@UkraineNotWeak aka Praying for a Bullpen: I like an editor with standards . . .
@Shakεy: there is a little darko in all of us, that needs to be unshackled in order for our spirit to thrive. . . or something like that
@Marth: ya, he and oscar used to kick it here in town . . .
@DumpsterDining: I agree - we've all got just a little caraway'd with the whole thing . . .
@Sandburgh: Iracane! Damn it man, get this commenter a star!
@BarrySagittarius: Louden Swain's montages approve
@thefuseproject: . . . .they've already hired from fleshbot . . .
@sagehenbait: what issue?
@Hit Bull Win Steak: ya, that sounds like a promising - albeit thin - premise for a comic hero . . . . or villain(?)
@VTBen: we're all forgetting the dark horse in this debate: modelo
@Laser Guided: @MattMillenFanClub: it's enough for me to just read about the dandy dan experience - i think seeing it in hi-def would be one of those i-can't-unsee what-i've-just-seen moments.