omg i came here to post this. i was like, clearly none of you dweebs have seen the cast interviews on the extended dvds of LOTR. it’s obvi a thing they do.
omg i came here to post this. i was like, clearly none of you dweebs have seen the cast interviews on the extended dvds of LOTR. it’s obvi a thing they do.
Sorrynotsorry to be that asshole, but the “Lauren” is the modal name, not the median name. Median is middle, so on that list, it would be the average of “Jubilee” and “Lace”, so “Juce”? I wouldn’t put it past them to bring on a 29th cast member named “Juice” so we can reassess Bachelorette statistics then.
Praise be.
Columbus sailed the ocean blue
Oh, this brought immediate flashbacks to all the batty ladies with shitty yippy dogs I used to have to deal with in my former vet tech life. She looks like exactly the type that would feed little Land Shark only human food like banana pudding, and bring their precious Cujette in for weekly anal gland expressing and…
I ran a Cat Shelter for twelve years. This infection is very rarely contracted and when it is, it tends to be by people with compromised immune systems.
i miss being a teen and having the energy to experience strong emotions over shit that doesn't matter
My aunt and uncle's wedding, many years ago, was a very traditional church affair. Before the ceremony, they were piping in soft, calming music interspersed with nature sounds, like waterfalls. At least, everyone thought they were nature sounds, until they heard a flush. The minister went to the men's room with his…
I still love the old fluorescent lamps from my board drafting days. The green anodized one I had finally broke. Here's a modern replacement. I haven't pulled the trigger yet.
I still love the old fluorescent lamps from my board drafting days. The green anodized one I had finally broke. …
Quick: what's the most absurd thing you've ever heard a person say? That vaccines cause autism? That lizard people…
....or climate change scientists about climate change, or paleontologists about the actual date of fossils, or or or or...this is fun game, let's keep going.
You're insane, that would be like asking women how legislation should be handled for their bodies.
I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough…
Werd. If you find a toy your cat likes, go and buy an even dozen because most will end up under the fridge.
My best one has to be last year, when I was in my friend Dave's wedding (not his real name). The wedding itself went fine, except for when the lights flickered in the church during the vows and everyone freaked out and the bride's grandmother wanted to start the vows over.
Pullleeease. The world's cutest dog owns ME, and is worth eleventy hundred billion dollars.