Paw Paws

I just have to add this, people seem to have too high of expectations, never is to happen that the stand a 1400 page book will ever be portrait on screen the way any of us think it should, reading is connected to each individuals own imagination, so no matter how hard they try it can never be done, they can try to

lol BLOAT, good word for it, reminds me of the ant farm in Christine…what the hell was that??? hahaha

I've read it myself 4 times, my original copy got thrown across the room several times, good thing it was just a cheap paper back ;) ( I never read my hard copies all 1st additions)

one of my favorite things about reading King is looking for those connections :)

Are you kidding me? it will always STAND the test of time, rarely does a
Stephen King movie ever come close to portraying the feel of the book,
although there is a lot missing this is one of those rare occasions
where you recognize a character when they walk on stage. it's well
written and well acted, I feel all the