
Nope, went offline in 2014

Civilization VI. This weekend and many more weekends to follow 😂

And now, the big burning questions:

I’m guessing Xbone

What about featuring Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, at least sometimes? They sometimes write about games, and those comics tend to be hilarious.

Upgrading RAM is cheap and easy.

Please, make it in Europe :D

Also, the new OSVR from Razer and partners looks sweet - and with better price.

Would give you 100 stars for this, if I could.

I’m just hoping for the remake and then inevitable new game to be really good.

But... but.. what if the game turns out a turd?

I’ll just keep skeptical of this mix of every other game out there for a while and wait for some reviews :D

13 - 14 inches is actually ideal for class. Not too big, not too small, can fit nicely in almost any backpack. I’ve had 11" MB Air and it was also usable, but really quite small. The keyboard was more comfortable than standard 12" HP Elitebook. I’ve ended up using MB Pro 2011 for classes and overall on-the-go…

Second that. Even Civilization 5 made kicked my fans into high speeds and people were looking around at me... had to resort to just reading Kotaku and stuff :D

Yeah, I also prefer Macs as laptops, because of reasons (ease of use, interface, great touchpad, decent screen and battery life, etc.). At home, I have an older SFF desktop, which can still run some games and serve as media machine. However, for gaming, I personally prefer PS4, hooked up to the projector at home, and…

For me, Sony starts at 3 AM :D

Wouldn’t be so sure about it being just a fad. It definitely was around the VirtualBoy times, but VR is in different place now. However, I am more interested in mixed reality headsets, such as the funky stuff Magic Leap is making. And I am not going to hop on the bandwagon until the technology becomes cheaper, better…

gimme a Dragon’s Age movie

Also certain premium games are monetized as crazy and have devoted base of white whales. Sims franchise is ridiculous when it comes to various DLC packs and in-game store microtransactions. I’ve read about a strange fanbase of women spending thousands in Sims and basically living inside the game.

There are some occasional reports/studies about micro transactions. I think two or three reputable companies are making some serious market research on that. Basically, something like top 10% spenders are making 90% revenue, and the top 1% of spenders are responsible for 50% revenue. I may be off with the exact…