
Did you mean 16 months? (since the original release on PS3/X360)

It can, but in what kind of atrocious fidelity? Like running Windows on minimal specs - sure you can, but you don't want to! :-D

is it even possible to buy a "not-64-bit" CPU these days? what are you running, Intel Atom?

well, they kind of made a billion in first 36 hours when GTA5 initially released on PS3/X360... wouldn't call that pisspoor

my Mac Pro 1.1 is pretty much running on the recommended specs... except RAM, it has much more :-D

Then let's go for 4TB, 3.5", 7200rpm drives!

Maybe they did. Judging from the size of the attachment, I guess that there is a small power source hidden inside. Maybe it needs another power cable attached from the back.

I am more worried about Spielberg directing it and the producers pushing it for PG-13 rating...

Nintendo? :-D

Nevertheless, much of the game's beauty and atmosphere, even on PS3, comes from amazing lighting.

This was inevitable :-D

In 3DS, it works similar to a cellphone. When you remove the back cover, all internals are still safely covered with another layer of plastic. Battery itself is very similar to old Nokia phone batteries. Basically impossible to fuck up ;-)

Main problem here is that original 3DS has only 1300mAh battery. You can easily buy up to 2000mAh battery online for few bucks (around 5 dollars on eBay) and replace your old one. Replacing takes literally just a minute or two.

well, back in small country called Slovakia, we have 200 mbit optical internet for 20 EUR (cca 25 USD)

So, we are getting an expansion, sth. like "Gods and Space" in circa 18 months time? for like 20 bucks?

So, no upgrade to my PC needed? Runs Civ V almost maxed out fine.

Welcome to every non-US part of the world. Here in Europe, the numbers stay the same, only currency changes. So... 400 USD translates to 400 EUR (509 USD). Tadaa. But I've heard Australians are screwed even worse.

'murica... this shit usually doesn't happen in good old Europe with strict gun control laws. just sayin'

so, they will once again let us pay for the privilege to play a demo. way to go, Squeenix, way to go...

Waifu Simulator Morpheus confirmed :-D