
Welll....I guess people have been asking for the Snyder cut?

Welll....I guess people have been asking for the Snyder cut?

Ah, well I’ll be damned.

So if I find the Dark Universe, do I get to become Lord Marshal?

The being exists. Kristen Stewart. Instead of multiple useful personalities she has no personality

What does he mean he “never asked for the iron fist”? He fought everyone on Kun Lun and then hugged a dragon to death before punching it’s heart. That sounds like “asking for it” to me. 

Baldwin is thinking, “Stop fuckin’ with me, Strange!”

Sooo you expect consistency from a comic book regarding a secondary character?

The actual look of the costume is great, but that muscle suit underneath makes it look like a Halloween costume. Levi put on plenty of muscle for the role but those fake shoulders and arms look silly in this photo.

Seems to me Nick Fury should have hit that beeper awhile ago maybe.

I think his self awareness has earned him our forgiveness

I am fascinated at how terrible and amazing this idea is. And how likely it is to happen.

James is it going to be Kate Kane or is it going to be Alex Danvers whose hair has gotten redder and who has gotten more Batwoman like as the series has progressed.

“The shitters are getting bolder” is a phrase I never thought would pass through my mind, yet here we are.

I do what I can.

“The only thing missing? A luxurious, awe-inspiring cape.”

Could’ve been worse. His reply could’ve been, “Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!”

Sith You Think You Can Dance?