
I don't think it's outrageous to think that she might have had something done, since she's a Hollywood star who's over twenty. Hell, I'm younger than her and a total nobody and nobody cares what I look like, let alone the whole world, and I'VE had botox. And filler.
I can also move my face. I'm squishing it up right

That's the thing. Because everyone on here is saying that all the parents they know tell them these things. And yet all I hear is constant gloating about children.
I'm starting to wonder if it's the same parents.

I'm single without kids, and my marriage and children ship has long sailed. I don't spend my life getting laid and partying. I probably get more sleep than people with kids, but I'm not free. I have a life and a household like everyone else but no one with whom to share the burden of keeping them running. I spend most

No. It's not that I don't love dicks, especially dicks on the men I love. But I can't say I've ever wanted to see a photo of any of them.

This photo is depressing. I adore them both but he looks so frail.

I do have female friends but I was bullied a lot by girls when I was little. It still hurts.
I also fucking LOVE The English Patient.

This. I have female friends and they're usually my closest ones, but I tend to have more male friends and would really like to have more female ones. The fact of the matter is that at a certain point, people couple off and settle down and their friends become their partners and other couples. What's left for

Um, not this person.

I'm naming mine Staten Island.

I've never heard that stereotype. And I spend a great deal of time in the bowels of the Internet.

It's not prudish to think this is sketchy. One thing has nothing to do with the other.

Oy. Yeah. There are people who say you can't be white if you're Jewish (as if there aren't Black Jews too) and then if you identify as simply "Jewish" when people ask about your race/ethnicity, other people are like "but that's just your religion." And there are Jews who are blonde haired and blue-eyed and Jews who

I've addressed this as well.

I'm learning that it's possible to be so sex-positive that you end up being kind of sex negative. If that makes sense.

No but wait. Are you Black, Asian or White?! WHICH IS IT?

Yeah, I'm totally with you on this.

I know plenty of Armenian people who don't identify as white. As well as some who do.
The whole Black/White/Asian thing that you insist everyone must fall into is overly simplistic and outdated. You might as well say Negroid/Caucasoid/Mongoloid, which is, actually the correct terminology, but is not used anymore

Well, the Kardashians do share everything. I think it's about that more than anything else.

Nope, wrong again.

I've addressed this elsewhere.
In any case, Black/White/Asian doesn't really apply to all of humanity and never did.

Maybe they're vintage...