
It seems that that's what most people would do. Like, when you realize at age 40 that "froyo" means frozen yogurt, as I did, it's not something you want to shout from the rooftops (whoops!), you just kind of feel grateful that you never made an ass of yourself over it and have figured it out, and move on.

...except that by many people they are not.

There's a lot of hand-wringing about people with basically "Caucasian features" but who aren't lilly-white and maybe have slightly darker skin and darker hair and eyes, and who are often more hirsute and curvaceous. Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, Armenians, Persians, other Middle Easterners, some Latinos, a lot of

This is a good point. My body-type is very appreciated by many men, but they're seldom white. One white guy once told me that my curly hair and curvy bum make me look like "the help". I'm not that attracted to white guys in general, but why should I be when they're seldom attracted to me?

I actually think Lena Duhman looks fine. But people seem to jump on her looks, particularly her body. I think (I don't know what she looks like in person, but based on the photos I've seen,) she simply has really bad posture and an awkward shape that carries weight in places that don't look as good, like her upper


I'm not young.
I've been going to the same gym for ten years years so I have some sense of progress, though admittedly I can't know everything. I'm also a personal trainer (not where I work out) so I have some clue of what I'm talking about.
My comment was specifically addressing another commenter's post about "hot

I didn't say she doesn't have a nice body. Or a nice ass. She looks good.
I wouldn't want her or recommend her as a personal trainer though, or a writer.

Yeah. I was once on a date and the waitress came over and the dude just ordered two of the same drink before I had a chance to say anything. I'm like Um. NO. JAMESON PLEASE. NEAT.
Fuck that. Don't order for me.

Yeah, that was weird.
I never said she doesn't have a nice bum. She does. I just don't think she's all that qualified to have a fitness column. And I actually get paid to train people and to write.

Are you on drugs or something?! I'm honestly confused.
I squat, honey. And lunge. It's part of my job.

Huh? What's a basic bitch? Hater? What are you, five?
I can't be the first person you've seen claim that she manipulates her photos and might have implants. I've seen at least a few such claims just scanning the comments on this story. Maybe one of them can explain photoshop and implants to you; I just don't feel like

Salads. Sigh. So many people eat salad. But then douse it in dressing. And then eat a bunch of crap because they eat salad so it's cool. A healthy meal is like a salmon filet, some grilled veggies and couscous and some salad.

The same way that everyone else does.

Not really. I personally have a hot body, or so everyone tells me. I do work out a lot and eat mostly okay (but frequently eat a lot of crap, and carbs, and drink way too much). It's about forty percent work and sixty percent luck. And it's not genetics. My Dad is a tiny little skinny dude and my Mom is fat and before

Well, in addition to the fact that she can't actually write, she's at the very least manipulating photos and probably has implants, so her ass is basically an illusion. She's also not really in great shape. She's skinny and has a perky ass (that might not be real), which is not the same thing as being fit. Does she

Don't be silly, it's miraculous because it's his special spawn that he made with his special, special penis.

I don't have one. I'm not good at faking stuff.
This might have something to do with why I don't have a lot of friends. Or a job.

Kim Kardashian is a gorgeous woman but I hate her taste in fashion. I don't think I've ever liked any of her outfits.

The fact that you only have these feelings now shows what a narcissist you are. You care about the fact that you made something out of your genetic material.
It's a bit like when men decide they care about women's rights when they "create" a daughter.
This is about YOU, and nothing more.