
My feminist reaction is to kick you in the nuts.
Congratulations on the baby. I hope it's not a girl.
Also, I know you're all proud of yourself for changing diapers for two days, but it's bullshit. Get off the computer. I'm sure your wife could use your help far more than we need to lecture you.

But the number one thing I'd buy is fresh flowers every single day.

I'm the opposite. I'm a whore for expensive camis.

They keep the other (bigger) sizes in the back. One stays out for display.

I've been having some rough days. Depression, etc.
This article and the one last week have literally given me the kick in the ass to get out of bed. I figure if she can get out of bed every day, then so can I.
I don't know where she found this kind of strength and courage, but I have the greatest admiration for her.

I'd even venture to say below average.
I have no clue what this woman's draw is supposed to be. Usually when a twenty something insufferable twat who can't act becomes the latest "It Girl", she's really pretty or something. I'm honestly a bit confused. It would be kind of awesome, actually, if she wasn't so

Well, he's apparently not anymore.

I think "hit n run" is a slightly more polite term than "pump and dump", ie. sex and then nothing.

It's now more than three weeks since I've heard from my boyfriend of eleven months. I'm going to send him this. But I'll probably add a little profanity.

This. She has every right to believe him.
Unless she was there on that day, which she wasn't, or has seen him abuse other women/girls, or has heard him talk about doing it, it makes perfect sense that she'd take his side. I actually find this less problematic than, say, Jodie Foster siding with Mel Gibson, since there

No one will ever be able to convince me that Tom Cruise is a human being.

Today I woke up at 2:30 pm. (I was up till 4 binge-watching Dance Academy, doing tequila shots and eating goldfish crackers). I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday and had makeup all over my face. I also didn't sleep in my bed. I slept on top of my bed because it was covered in clean laundry I hadn't yet


I've never been in this position personally, but I imagine that if I were ever to get an abortion without telling my partner, it would probably be because I was afraid to. Afraid of how he'd react, how he'd treat me, and what he might do to me.
Think about that.

It's always a "him" to these guys. I doubt they'd give a shit if they knew it wasn't going to be a son.

This is exactly it. Maybe it isn't fair. And I'm capable of feeling some sorrow for a man who desperately wanted a child, thought his partner did to, and then the fetus was aborted. But it's also not fair that women are the ones who get pregnant. That's just the way it is.

He doesn't care about the interests of the fetus; he cares about the interests of MEN.

Yes, really.
If you're a man who wants a baby, find a woman who wants to have a baby (there are a lot) with you and don't treat her like shit. This should be easy.

Shut up.

Shit. And I liked him on DWTS.