Mitch P

It should be "may be", not "maybe".

What about Leonard Cohen's Suzanne?

Tempest earned some of his best reviews of the 21st Century? Since 2000 he had released Love and Theft and Modern Times. You'd be hard pressed to find many outlets that say Tempest was better than those two.

This article is wrong in its description of Trump at the time of the Trump interview. He wasn't 3/5 a punchline. It was clear to everyone that he had become a legitimate concern. Even at the time it was appalling that Colbert barely went after Trump.

I can't wait for AV Club's list of "Most Skippable AV Club Articles". This would be listed for "M". Wasn't Hey Jude listed on yesterday's list of least skippable songs? How can it be listed on both lists?

Fair enough. I'm sure it will make sense once I see the episode. Parts of the show force you to suspend logic just a little bit. For instance, how does nobody around her recognize her as one of the "victims" who presumably were all over tv? I think one person may have noticed her but only because it served the

Yes. My simple mind can only handle simple narratives. Sarcasm aside, sometimes a chronological approach suite the material better. I'll see how they handle the episode involving her parents, but right now I wonder why her parents haven't been addressed by Kimmy at all.

In that case, the show should have addressed her parents earlier in the season.

Where are Kimmy's parents and why doesn't she immediately go to them once she is freed? Has it been addressed? At this point I hope they never introduce her parents because it would make no sense if she could have been reunited with her family but chose not to.