
Thanks! I’m really glad to have seen this follow up comment (having felt very cross at EW for the past 12 hours)

I wonder if he really believes that this is the way the justice system should work - that if someone has the resources to pay hefty settlements (no judgement of his accusers, they deserved every dollar) that their innocent until proven guilty status is permanent.

I’ve never heard that - I read that he thought the verse (the second she had presented after he rejected the first) was so good that he was tempted to leave it off rather than be outshone.

Yeah the show (which I once loved) has not aged well - Sorkin consistently has female characters asking dummy questions for exposition’s sake. Don’t make the female press secretary ask her male colleague what the census is. Don’t have Donna needing to have income tax explained to her by Josh.

He is the only high fashion designer I can think of who really wanted black female celebrities to represent his label.

I really enjoyed the series. Maybe I missed it but was there an explanation for why AA shifted from high quality garments towards fast fashion? Was it a symptom of Dov losing control of the company or did it happen earlier?

Every time I think US Vogue can’t possibly come out with a more boring cover, they go ahead and outdo themselves.

I remember when he was on a sign that Michael Jackson held up!

Or IN them: “Did I mention the tower is made of gold? Literally, the window glass is infused with it, which makes the glorious structure look like something God would have destroyed in the first section of the Bible. The downsides are that its windows cast an alien green pall over the rooms in the afternoon, and that

Urgh, it doesn’t even rhyme

Yeah, and I gather Casey Johnson’s friends lay a lot of the blame for her death / unwillingness to get psychiatric help at TT’s door. I have zilch sympathy for Tila.

I see! apologies

Jean Louis was a dude.

Ugh jesus, Breakfast at Tiffany’s is not my Beyonce.

Bey is wearing J’Aton Couture, not Zuhair Murad!

I hope his other victims come forward

Head of Bone and Heart of Stone!

I can’t figure out the undies situation. The bra is clearly visible. Does kk have barbie cooch?
