
Of course i misspell, im not native english speaker, its pretty obvious...
You can see the evidence everytime you browse a game site about MMORPG : only themepark, only cashshop, only F2P trash.

Don’t reply if you have no knowedge about games and MMORPG history before WoW happens.

They are Lego, you can build what you want, THIS WAS THE WHOLE POINT before people lost 20 IQ per decade.

Epic killed his own game, in less than a year and againts their player base. They changed their game 3 times, first change was a salvation : from a boring MOBA to a good dynamic alternative, but then in the last update with their cashshop to attract casual and to sell lootbox they turned it into a braindead brawler,

I bet this game will be ass, some of Destiny clone filled with lootbox, shitty grind, fake open world, without any players exchange.
Another dull shooter to appeal to casual who well throw the game after 5 days anyway.
God i hate what they did with online AAA game.

Hey, there is another mod way more ambitious and polished than F4 Capital of Wastland.
It’s Fallout : Miami, the game is incredible and got his own atmosphere you really should check about it.

I remember 15 years ago making my own space ship without any recipe, and they looked way more cooler than those Star Wars unispired and expensive toys.
I miss the time where Lego was meant to build with creativity, this is sad for the new kids.

I remember 15 years ago making my own space ship without any recipe, and they looked way more cooler than those Star

When “death” is fun and fast, you know you failed at gaming.
Death is supposed to be some kind of “punishement” or it became pointless.
If you don’t “fear” the death, your game is blank, you don’t feel anything, no adrenaline, no frustration, the game isn’t an experience anymore...
its worse than playing Candy Crush, it

Another trash product that “perfect” parent will buy to have peace and to think their kid will be sudenly creative.
Im pretty sure those people are dumber than their 6 years old kid.
But np Nintendo will love the money even after 2 weeks when the machine will be full of dust because the kid don’t care playing with

I don’t like the art direction, way too hipster “new age”.

Kill it with fire ! Why S.E can’t just MOVE ON ! This game is terrible, it’s worse than FFXIII wich was already the worst FF.
I played allmost every Final Fantasy i have them from V to XIII, i barely ended FFXIII but i couldn’t go further than 4 hours in FFXV.

The details are here but im not impressed by the gameplay all those “sim” never gave any speed feeling, the only way to “feel” it is to fly very close to the ground and then its not a sim anymore...
This is why in flight games they always add some “fun” mission where you are stuck in a canyon.
Thing is speed in flight

This Mustang still look like another random japanese modern car, nothing close to the old one.
They should fire their designer.

Anyway its internet tribunal all over again, all those hypocrit people stink has much as the people they are accusing.
All those white knight in the comment are pathetic, guess they never insulted anyone, they never did any homophobic insult or even browsed a porn site, no no they are all pure snowflake telling the

Same thing happened to CDprojeckt but at least CDprojeckt are doing good games, not cliché 3D movies... must really sux for the employee to work on a studio like this

47 is first and alone.
I played 3 different Assassin Creed games for few hours(never could finish them since it was way too casual and repetitiv) and the game never delivered an assassin gameplay, but just a bouncer who frenzy kill people while running on wall in plain day like some retard freestyler who climb on

This is the only good thing that came out from WoW.

You can’t love Lineage for 4 years and then play WoW for 4 years...Since WoW isn’t a MMORPG, WoW negate every MMORPG aspect and every good feature in Lineage II.
You can do the opposite since Lineage II is a enhanced game and with a real MMORPG vision, but not the way you say it, its like playing something bad on

Clueless kid, with low IQ argument

No Divinity 2 ?............ gaming journalist.

Square Enix is like a “reverse wine”, the more it get older the more it taste bad...