
It was cheap but I doubt the healing powers had anything to do with her. I think Mrs S was involved and will be revealed to have been a scientist who broke with the future Dyad group and hid the kids (and altered the science).

She's playing 27/28 year olds I believe. She's the right age for all the main parts except maybe Duncan (reason 200 the character is ill-conceived). I've met - at that age - each kind of other person she's playing.

She really doesn't tho. I have only to check my facebook feed to see old classmates who now exist in different worlds and seem to be very different ages. Conventional-minded soccer mom types seem grown-up way earlier. They're what grown-ups, as we think of them, are. Grad students meanwhile never seem grown up. My 37

No reason to think it'll be supernatural. Probably just more fake science.

I wouldn't call that conclusive. Wait till she needs magic healing to see if she has it or not. Helena's scars remain on her back, as well, and her wounds don't instantly heal. It's never portrayed as instantaneous healing of bruises and cuts and things like Wolverine.

[Before I start this post this I'm editing to say I'm a far left anarchist (favorite political/cultural writer: Bob Black). That just to prevent the typical dumb assumptions that anyone who hates PC liberalism and identity politics must automatically be a conservative, misogynistic, or homophobic.]

She's signed for years supposedly and loves being on the show. Breach of contract is not a good way to break into Hollywood (plus, sorry, but good as she is I don't see her as a movie star at all - the chops she's shown in OB have little relevance to being a movie star, and more relevance to the kind of indie films

I thought she (Sarah, not Maslany) performed Cosima better than she did Alison, whom she didn't try to perform really. Rewatch the Sarah-as-Cosima scene and pay attention to her facial expressions and her jaw. Maslany basically does an approximation of her normal Cosima performance, but just makes it a bit imperfect

How was her death a great moment? It was brought about all in the course of a plot that was introduced and executed haphazardly in a single episode. It was perfunctory. Then two more important plot developments occurred in the same episode afterwards.

It is an awful, awful character and performance. Just ill-conceived. It feels like Maslani playing Alison playing this woman.

It's Janet Snakehole/Katherine Hepburn.

Except she doesn't convey that, because all the characters are the same age within about a month of each other. What you're seeing is your own bias about what people of various ages look, dress and act like.

Katja was also ill.

Glad someone else noticed that's the Cylon. My official line after this ep is that he still thinks he's playing one.

Of course if he were on it, he'd have to be a bad guy, since he's white, male, and (I think) straight. No good guy straight white males allowed.

The thing is, she (more or less plausibly) pretended to be Beth, and she lived in Beth's house and lived her life for a bit. During that, she worked closely with Art and they went through two meaningful experiences together (the testimony prep/testimony, then the shootout). I think he sees a bit of Beth in her but I

I think Helena's death served no real dramatic purpose. It felt rushed, contrived, and perfunctory. It was followed in that ep by two bigger moments, and hardly even referenced in this ep. It seems we'll get more (much more) of Alison reflecting on killing Aynsley than we will of Sarah reflecting on killing Helena. So

Does she give clear indication she knew who those guys were? I think we were supposed to think (and she was supposed to think) they were Dyad people. She (and the viewer) isn't supposed to know they aren't until Art mentions their affiliation at the end of the episode. The men aren't wearing suits, but they're

Felix being her monitor wouldn't make sense for several reasons. Leekie had never heard the name Sarah Manning.

Campy mistake? You think they had her survive just to kill her again this season? Her arc is to ultimately be accepted into the clone family and reconciled with her sister. I actually expect her to survive the series now.