
The series' best episode yet? It turned out all right, but I'd argue this is much nearer to being the worst episode yet. Rachel "Janet Snakehole" Duncan and her entire milieu as a character are just very poorly conceived and executed. She kills whatever scenes she's in (in a bad way), and her Agent Smith-ripoff lawyer

I think you'd have to change more than you think. Frewer's character is aware of Helena but doesn't know of Manning. He knows Helena as being 'feral' and explicitly says that Helena, this known clone who has an independent, known existence as feral, could not have done any of the things Sarah did. Each also has a

Sarah is special because she had a kid and was outside the monitoring system. There is no indication anyone but Kira has regenerative powers. Also, while it was a grievous wound, we're not supposed to think anything miraculous happened with Helena's recovery, imo. It isn't presented that way. As depicted, she would

In other words, easier to just pretend (if they bring up Supreme Court, etc) that Canada has a US-style Supreme Court than that there's some weird annexation of Toronto going on.

The show has quietly established that it's in Canada. Geography is mentioned explicitly in various instances (including Cosima) and nationality of the clones comes up often. Cosima is American, Beth and Alison Canadian, Sarah Canadian-via-UK-via-wherever else she goes, Helena Ukrainian, Katja German, and I think we

There are Asians in Canada. There's not, however, much Canadian money, and even fewer Canadians licence plates, in Asia.

"There's some folks that, if they don't know, you can't tell 'em."

Alison is by far the best. Cosima, for all her popularity, was by far the most boring (tho that doesn't mean she isn't likable and you don't feel protective of the character). Cosima and Delphine onscreen is dead air. But she's popular because the dreads, glasses and fashion make the best of Maslani. But Alison is

She's a plot device rather than a character, as are Helena and her assassinations. She has no more story than we've been told.

It's not a ridiculous statement. Helena had the least arc and the least real story of any of the four main Maslanis. She existed almost entirely as a plot device, and it's to Maslani's credit that she ended up being more than that.

Who would have sniped the German then? And there was a shootout involving her, Art and Sarah, after which (while a not really hurt at all Sarah went her own way) Helena broke into a family's bathroom and bled all over it. Then there was something done between them at the nightclub that had to have been two people, and

No regenerating abilities in the first-gen clones. The whole point of the kid is she's a miracle with special superpowers or something. Plus we saw Helena all scarred up and bleeding and injured and having to be rescued and fixed up. It would be a cruel irony for a ritualistic cutter to have a healing power.

Storywise Helena had to go. She was a looming figure, a constant plot of her own (ie, she was a plot driver on her own - a constant threat, something that would always need to be dealt with and would consume the story). She had to be resolved. There was no plausible way to let the character survive free without her

You don't make great music or have good looks. So, fuck you.