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    She was born in 1989. Because the VP is the next in line for the presidency the office has the same age requirements: the person must be at least 35 years of age to assume the position. The same applies to Speaker of the House, and the members of the Senate.  You can’t be there unless you’re 35 years of age.   Another

    Monsters are obsessive, unrelenting, focused. They never stop. Never pause. Never give up their tireless pursuit of their prey. They are, at their core, never sated and forever famished. An art “monster” would be someone who gives their art an undivided focus to the exception of almost all other things, uncaring about

    People like to watch one being get the shit hit/beat/clawed/bit out of it by another being. The question shouldn’t be “At what point do we just say boxing shouldn’t be a thing anymore?” The question should be: “How do we treat this obsession with watch one being inflict injury upon another for the purposes of

    We have synthetic fabrics that work a hundred times better than wearing a dead animal (or even synthetic furs) that are less harmful to the environment. And agreed on the Drumpf children.

    Oh, its utter garbage food. Like the taquitos I’m going to roast up in my oven. You eat these things once a week or so to satisfy that urge for garbage food. There’s no dressing up a burger as anything other than garbage food. But these things *taste* good. And are half as likely to trigger my gout when I have one of

    I wrote off Penn State with the pedophile being granted free access to the facilities of the system and them doubling down on suppressing it. Since then I’ve more closely examined other sports I used to watch and can see the same kind of mechanisms for abuse there as well. Penn State should have been suspended from

    I used to post here a lot back in the day when I had more time to game. It was Kotaku and IO9 around the same time, Fahey was the one who pulled me out of the greys here originally because i liked commenting on his articles. For IO9 it was because I would participate in the Concept Art Writing Prompts (I miss them so).

    To shove some words into Blizzard’s mouth: “Oh, we had no idea it would bite us in the ass like this! Why are you people so sensitive about it? We still have to do something to appease China, but we’ll give him back most everything! Will you guys go back to just playing our games and giving us your wallets pretty

    Sorry if that came off a little hard. I’ve been having bad conversations about my stance on this subject for a while. Its an emotional argument based on what I consider my principals. And while that might not be the best thing in the universe to base a stance on, it is hardly the worst.

    Nah. We can be pissed off at the NBA for silencing someone’s take. That’s not like the various administrations sticking Uncle Sam’s genitals into the world’s various holes, but something we can do if we like. Nobody’s saying that we want to enforce our worldview on China. But I’ll be damned if I can’t say I don’t like

    Thank you for reporting on this. :)   Private Equity is an evil system that destroys what it touches in order to try to turn a buck at the cost of the people who made the company attractive in the first place.    Knowing where the candidates stand on this helps to clarify who might be the best choice for our primary

    The fish used to be popular for aquariums

    Centrists are conservatives that hedge their bets, but will go full-on conservative if given a conservative choice. At least that’s been my experience dealing with the species. YMMV, of course.

    Centrists are conservatives that hedge their bets, but will go full-on conservative if given a conservative choice.  At least that’s been my experience dealing with the species.  YMMV, of course. 

    I’m sure it will end so well.  *sigh*   Lets hope today doesn’t get any worse. 

    They have to be.  Too many of their elders don’t give a shit. 

    All the lights blink out, one by one. In the cold emptiness I shall wait, and in darkness I will be... undone.

    I’m assuming that Deadspin Edit - and every site except the takeout - reposted this old article for a reason. There haven’t been any splinter posts today that I’ve seen. They’re probably gone.

    There should be no world where a person can shoot another person in cold blood and be able to walk away from it without justice being served.  Shield or no shield.  And justice for killing a kid should be a hell of a lot more than 6 and 3/4 years in prison and second degree murder especially when the perp lied about

    There is also this following quote from a person who I consider to not be the best example to use but is sadly the person who said it in the most unambigious way: