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    This is, by and large, the essence of every complaint about the mindset and intent of DJT since he declared his intent to run for President in 2016: Using manipulation and deceit to achieve personal goals and garner influence and power from systems outside the normal legal flow of buisness or politics. DJT has used

    He’s still a republican who has a political spectrum on the far right. Anything that he says that seems ‘sensible’ needs a healthy dose of skepticism that its ever going to be his actual political position. You can also say that of about 35% of Democrats in the centrist and right-wing political spectrum. Just take a

    I love these proposals and wish I had someone at least half as progressive as AoC to vote for in 2020 in my state.

    Not only are we in the darkest timeline, but we’re in a timeline where reality forces us to consider words from people we never thought we’d ever agree with on any random day.

    No, 45 knows *exactly* what he’s doing. Its just that he has an IQ that is dwarfed by the average pet rock. In seriousness, 45 has been grifting since his 20's. This act he’s putting on right now? He’s fleeced millionaires and billionaires with this EXACT approach multiple times over the decades. He’s been through

    Manage a trois? A 45/Trudeau/Boris sandwich?   All that hair, all together. 

    At this point, I just want to be able to watch the Orange canker on the ass of America get pulled out of the Oval Office in chains, with the Purple Pony Pence, 45's adult family, the entire presidential cabinet and appointment (fuck Ajit Pai and Munchin until they stop existing), every single republican politician

    I like that we’ve stopped giving god credit for things.   Much better to give fucking the just props it deserves.   :P  

    Its become a sort of white-supremacist thing. 45's supporters also have an uncomfortable tendancy to suddenly extend their arm straight out, hand outstretched, fingers together and palm-face down when looking at large photos/videos of Leader 45 aka Führer Fünfundvierzig.

    I would expect it to be moving towards a post-unionised society because central government should have adopted protections for workers by now.

    I’ve managed to get into a union.  It doesn’t necessarily benefit me to the max - because I was a nasty negotiator for my skills - but it is superior to anything the average IT worker ever manages to get in the field.   Unionization is ESSENTIAL to the continuation of our society.  At least if we want our economies to

    That Eagle was channeling the spirit of Abraham Lincoln.  

    To be honest Joe might go darkside on this one if they flip enough Republicans to be a threat. I can see two or three senate democrats going to lap at the Orange Julius’ flavor bar and bellying up for a healthy swallow of 45 juice - mumbling all along about “will of the people”, “conservative values”, “Jesus loves

    I’ve found that it is very easy to threaten conservative adults.

    I’m just making a response to your comment. How you choose to deal, or not deal, with that is entirely up to you.   You know the phrase: opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.  

    If 45, Pence and his goon-squad are gone? If Nikki Haley is that price, then that would at least be much better than what we got now. (Giant Meteor and Pet Rock 2020 would be an equally suitable substitute) I don’t think it would be Nikki though - we’d be looking at President Pence. And that would be nearly as bad as

    I will let you in on an essential truth: if voting for impeaching a person who has violated the constitution and every oath he supposedly took is going to torpedo someone who is in a conservative district? Then, for fucks sake, its still worth it. Because then you at least *know* what you’re dealing with in that area.

    Nothing short of global thermonuclear war will rid us of this orange canker on the ass of America.

    But the point still stands: People are using the display of his reduced faculties to assume that the problem will go away on its own instead of realizing that there is a fundamental threat there - whether there is actual impairment OR it is an intentional deceit. In the final calculus it really doesn’t matter: The end

    Good odds that the reason holes might be drilled are secret, but the odds are also that the hole was drilled in the wrong place resulting in the DT moment. Remember, the Russians kept the secret of why 3-axis meta-unstable masses randomly flip when spinning in microgravity. It was actually observed with wing-nut that