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    I honestly think that 45 would only be annoyed if Epstein didn’t compliment him on his ability to have a decent looking offspring. And he’d be insulted if Epstein didn’t want to hit it, as repulsive as that sounds. 45 is a narcissist and misogynist and an unattractive offspring would call into question his own

    Sadly much of my reading list will have to wait until after the technological singularity.  :(

    The biggest problem I have with this is that we won’t be able to dig through his brain to find out all the asshats he invited along to his activities.   They should be in the same place he died in. 

    Please observe:

    Mitch is so far up 45's ass he’s an extension of the idiot’s colon. The republican party is one giant human millipede with 45 in the lead. And everyone down the line is just enjoying his processed KFC.

    I’m starting to think we need to start seeing how the rich guys fit through the eye of a needle. You know, to prove to them that it will be easier than getting into their heaven. Because when something doesn’t exist, unless you build it, you can’t get there from here. And their ideal of heaven? I’m pretty sure none of

    I don’t believe in abusing animals period - from a strictly compassionate stance of course, but I also have no problems with the food industry and people who eat animals raised as food. I believe there are always ways to humanely deal with either food animals or pets or even wild animals. Then again, my stomach turned

    I expect nothing less from a person who liked Strom Thurmond enough to eulogize him. 

    Okay. It goes something like this:

    And what is gained from imposing this pain?

    They project their shit all over the place. When 45 was talking about Mexicans he was projecting his own indiscretions.

    Well... I posit that the assbiting is actually in progress. In fact we may be on an unavoidable course to some form of genocide, if not that, then at least slavery and decimation.

    And so are just about every person covered under DACA. If you’ve lived all of your conscious and aware life in a country, you should be a citizen of that country unless citizenship is defined in some other meaningful way (such as a test applied to all residents equally). I don’t think I ever meant to imply that I

    This is likely not the first time this kind of thing has happened.  But for every one we see the results of, just imagine how many we don’t.  Just wait until it starts happening to Americans who were born here and have been here all their lives.   If someone screws up the paperwork in this environment, it’s near

    Fire, usually. Hurricanes the size of continents causing biblical flooding could do the job just as well. But it normally comes down to revolution after things have gone to shit. Which if the economic symbology is correct is probably coming in the next 8-16 months. And probably on the scale of 1929.

    This may be the first “lie” he’s ever told while KNOWING that he doesn’t actually believe a word he’s saying. Dude runs words together in something vaguely representing sentences that he “believes” for any quality of “belief” but this is a completely different scenario.

    Since you are trying to be reasonable in your point, I’ll point this out:

    Yeah.  That’s a fairly understandable chart.  And Nate’s conclusion is some big-wig’s talking point and not the numbers. 

    Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. And hate leads to suffering.

    Obama wasn’t perfect, by far. But he was a decent president. (And I’ve already called him out on his drone policy, the ACA, and his general lack of stopping the MIC, but he did less harm than his predecessor did as Cheney’s finger puppet.) That said, he was also betrayed by the nation. By members of his own party. By