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    I don’t care where DJT is so long as he is nowhere near me. 

    Antifa tends to be an organic thing. Whenever fascism and nationalism rears its ugly head people who actually like little things like personal freedom and liberty tend to take offense. *shrug* Who knew that freedom and liberty were anti-Texan, evidently?

    Oh, don’t worry about that - unless you hear about the crazy guy building a copy of the Rocinante :P (I actually have a very, very wide range of hobbies that when people see them wonder how I do all these things. Most of it is just math and good tools. Measure twice, cut once, etc.) I’m rather unlikely to do

    Not really.  But I’m getting there.  I get a bit dark at times.   And getting off this planet is certainly on my to-do list, but maybe getting away from the US would be a good first step.  

    In an infinite universe it is bound to happen at some point.  Not for us, though.  Not for us. 

    Well, eye-glasses are sort of a necessity for some people. I consider contact lenses to be a “cosmetic” choice, but I’m blind without my glasses. Literally. The basic vision care should be covered by any universal care system. And my family has a history of melanomas and there’s even an ocular melanoma in my family

    You win.  That worked a peach. 

    Soon the cows will all be gone. The cows and their milk. Maybe even the goats and the lambs and the llamas and the rams. All gone, all gone.

    Fare thee well, Libby.   You’ll be missed. 

    I always keep looking for reasons to stick around just a bit longer. Thinking maybe... just maybe... something will be different. But sometimes you just got to walk away... and come back when you can build things better without the interference of those who want you to fail. I have a feeling that journey will begin

    Fare thee well and good journeys.  Eventually the dust will settle, evolve into something sentient... and maybe that iteration will get it right. 

    To answer your title? He is always talking about himself. Everything he says is about him. And it all operates under his internal sense of self and internal knowledge without any acknowledgement of those who assist or help him (or might try to do so).   He lives in a constructed world where what he says is simply a

    You didn’t have to deal with the people I did.   Maybe they were lying/faking bernie support - maybe they weren’t.   All I know is that when time came they said what they said and I parted ways with them permanently.  

    I have no problems if an employer wants to entice employees with a plan that provides “private rooms” or “optional/alternative treatments” and anything generally not covered under a medicare for all plan, such if there’s a copay for drugs covering the parts that aren’t covered by the universal plan. That’s the thing

    This is the United States of Amnesia

    If you don’t get all the rot it will come back and kill you. And there’s rot that’s been there since the mayflower vomited its cargo onto American soil. We got to fix that and enshrine equality into the entire system. Once and for all and with no caveats or limitations. I’d prefer if it was a broad legal stroke that

    If the rest of the US was thinking clearly, they’d realize 45 has done us a great favor: he has clearly defined who the evil ones are and they’re obliging him by saying the silent parts out loud. We really should be taking down names here so we know who NOT to allow on a ballot in the future. Instead they just think

    My former best friend went turnip. Note the former. I voted Hillary in PA. I’m going to vote the Dem in PA this time around too. And the next. And the Next. And the Next. I’m certain my grandfather would resurrect himself and kick my ass for letting fascists win if I didn’t.

    Yeah I brought some of that up to some Bernie Bros’s back in 2016. They hated that I dare question the great Sanders. His whine may have aged well, but he’s been working on it for 50 years, so at first sip it tastes a lot better than any centrist or right-wing Democrat’s.

    People like Lindsey Graham don’t have healthy sexual relationships with other people. They are more about having the power and control in the relationship. Therefore I pity whomever he was with in said tapes as it was unlikely to be consentual - unless it was 45 and Bannon, which was probably a common tryst in the