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    And that makes what was done no better. This is a false justification for things that are wrong to do by any measure of an egalitarian society.  But then again, if you advocate this, then you hardly want equality to be a thing, so here we are.  I’d caution you, the sword you play with is sharp, and occasionally

    So long as we stand on stolen land without recognizing the fact, we are all illegal immigrants unless we are descendants of those from whom the land was stolen.  And make no mistake, that land was stolen much to the detriment of those who lived here. 

    30 year old people riding horses in New York City in 1910 thought the same thing about the fancy horseless carriages. *shrug* By the time they were 60, the horse was a sport and breeding animal only used in its traditional fashion on farms and in distant, rural communities.

    There are three necessities if we ever want to fix this country:

    You know, history has seen this kind of destruction of support systems before. It didn’t turn out well then either for anyone involved. Defunding health and mental services, education and food services, and ultimately creating an environment where people are divided and desperate. And all that has to happen is one

    Cadet Amphetamine understands the importance of getting his drugs for cheap from his doctor.  If it wasn’t something that benefited him he wouldn’t suggest it. 

    Way to slice off the context on that quote. :P But the actual content of the broadcast was concerning a question to Ivanka: “What do you and your father share?” And in a father of the year worthy statement he blurted out very loudly before she could respond: “Sex!” And then he made some commentary later about how hot

    Because he knows no bounds in feeding his narcissism. If given the chance, he will make Hitler look like a sane, rational, strategic genius and saint. And then he’ll fucking brag about it. Meanwhile he’s in our treasury stealing our money. That’s the trap of this fucker, and his only real goal: to take other people’s

    Its his narcissism. He has to insert himself into everything to make it about him.  He even did it with his daughter on broadcast TV during a talk show. 

    Spoon, rusty.   Day 1-300.   A little bit at a time.  Cure with salt.  

    Well... Wealth Tax now or guillotines later. *shrug* But that should also be a corporate wealth tax of 1% of every 200 million dollars (starting at 200 million dollars) and under a billion, and and 5% of every billion dollars.   I think that would be fair too.  

    I am getting off this fucking rock. I don’t care if it kills me... another country.... hell, even another continent isn’t far enough away from this fucking bullshit. There’s authoritarian racist asshats popping up everywhere and its going to be war before we get rid of them.  The only problem is that no matter how far

    I doubt too that most of the people understood the implications of the second amendment as well.  If you have firearms under the second amendment, you are the fodder they’re hoping an enemy’s cannon will shoot at. 

    That is just “asking”... there’s the inauguration protests that Meanwhile, Elsewhere pointed out where 200 people might spend 60 years in jail over the same minor damage. And the mass arrests and such that were also a part of that. Which puts a solid checkbox in the column of “Yeah, that happened here, WTF?” - but

    I am ashamed to say I did not remember it until you mentioned it.   There has been so much shit in the two years since he took office. 

    I don’t think this should surprise anyone.  Putin has always been this kind of monster. 

    Republicans can no longer cover for this racist, narcissistic madman.

    Unfortunately, given this administration, that’s actually plausible.

    Every one is racist to some extent, we’ve all been stewed in it for so long and its time to start putting that into the message. You can’t change it if you don’t recognize it and work every day to fight it, and those that are working to get this out of their system should know we’re not talking about them when we’re

    My aunt thinks 45's hair is natural and sexy. *barf*