
You are not old enough to remember that Queen Elizabeth said she would NEVER step down while she could still do the job. Just stop this hating on the Royal family.

They were KIDS being blooded, some for the first time. They kept a clean sheet and OLLIE won it spectacularly again. Instead of all the negativity why doesn’t the author give some credit where it’s due. These kids won a Europa football game...... come on!!!!!

Why do we have to see obscene words in the title! Children have phones and will read this - is this right?

How about the obvious fact that Trump offered the silent majority hope and change!

I strongly object. I am not a bigot and I voted for Trump. More likely that YOU are a bigot but don’t realize it!

Really, really  sour grapes and his twisted opinion only, and not at all indicative of the huge number in the “basket of deplorables” who have a vastly greater vision into the future. Sad, sad.

Don’t see why the cops should endanger their own lives if it was deemed unsafe to go into the pond to do so. Those girls should have known what they were doing was dangerous and take responsibility for what might happen. Why should anyone risk their life if it was unsafe - they have families too and shouldn’t be