
Barbara nearly getting herself killed because she can't be without jim last week, leaving him this week because he hung up on her because he's busy. REALLY?

Just think about it, if it was this hard to understand, how extremely difficult it had to be to write… that must have been a nightmare for matt and trey

..or so said michael bay

Somehow I get the feeling that Tapped Out was more or less the go-to game that Matt and Trey were targeting this episode.

A man needs aliases…

"And the bag contained bars roasted nuts, covered in caramel and a paste made from the dornish Cocoa-plant, as well as apples coated in sugar and sweet lemoncakes. Unfortunately, Martin had already broken his fast thus he would have to wait until the luncheon to feast."

because he was very good at early episode comic relief.

"Blink once for yes, twice for no…. wait, was that one or two? Okay tap your left foot three times against the wall, turn five circles and say: 'I'm being threatened' if you are.."

What if the reapers are just disguised Weather-men 'harvesting' grounders?

Only when they enter a cult.

Ah right. I only know the 'field-goal-is-good/don't-shoot-me-I'm-unarmed-gesture. One learns something new every day.

There's incomplete passes in football? Like when the ball rolls out of bounds? Cuz there's a flag for that…

*Gordon running through the office screaming into his phone that the major wil be the next target*
"Aw, rookie cops these days…"

But you have Giant Stone Jezus looking out after your city…

Doesn't seem so cunning when you realize that he left a fingerprint-riddled cannoli-box at a homicide crimescene. Way to reveal to the CORRUPT POLICEFORCE that Gordon didn't kill you.

It was only used when england was in the news. The jubilee, the olympics and such. All in all he was a solid correspondent. His new show is so great though. It really shows that they have more time to prep for stories, and for a comedy news show the research goes way deeper than it could get away with.

Great to see that the MMA-fighter thing was just a one-timer, not that she has been getting her ass kicked for months as a form of self-punishment.

I really don't know anymore…

Just tick the boxes, Jess

Why? BMS was awesome and Thad was such an amazing over-the-top character. If anything, it shows that the actor can commit completely to a role.