Paul Tatara

But he was just a crazy KID!!!

Yeah. Don't listen to the music if it's not your thing, but that's more than a bit much.

The Kanye version is to watch him on an awards show and slam one back every time he says something idiotic.

Not as well as Bruce will.

I had to cringe a little when Mould described the recording of "Workbook" as "creating great art." It reminded me of the time Kevin Costner accepted an Oscar by hailing his own "boyish enthusiasm." Let other people say those things, guys.

"Anthem" by Leonard Cohen.

The eyes in this one look incredibly life-like!

Whole lotta face lift goin' on in that picture.

Don't fail to miss it!!

I'm a huge fan since 1979, and he really should have known better…or maybe he needs to have somebody around who's capable of saying, "That's a dumb line, Bruce." That used to be Steven. I bet that relationship isn't quite the same at this point.

The entire movie is FILLED with memorable detail. From beginning to end.

"Outlaw Pete" is absolutely pointless. I was flabbergasted the first time I heard it.

I want to love the "The Wrestler," but…um…no, Bruce. I've never seen a "one-legged dog walking down the street." What kind of question is that??

Yeah, I'm not convinced of that album, either, but Devil's Arcade is tremendous.

I'd also nominate "How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live."

I'm going to guess these will be nothing like their previous 243 live albums and concert films.

Oh, rest assured he's binged on more than THAT.

I think he was probably leaving people in powdered wigs out of his off-the-cuff statement. It wasn't a term paper.

But with Trump in the White House they could easily make the leap to being morons. Grants and things.

You'd have to be a Bruce fanatic to understand.