Paul Tatara

Vincent D’Onofrio continually acts so hard steam shoots out of his ears.

"Anthem" is not a love song.

I actually wept at points while watching Tree of Life. I don't think I would have if I didn't have kids. Everything since then, although it's all absolutely beautiful to look at, embarrasses me.

Some of the later ones verge on absurd. Absolutely gorgeously shot, but so are a lot of perfume commercials. That said, if you haven't, watch Badlands or Days of Heaven. Both contain a much-needed dark sense of humor, real characters, and are gorgeously shot and constructed.

What do you have to do to not win Kiefer Sutherland’s debut album, Down In A Hole?

I'm a lifelong Cavaliers fan, and I'm really glad LeBron has found something to take his mind off of stupid stuff like playing basketball.

The horror. The horror.

And, no doubt, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reggae.

Oh, he's REALLY dead.

Yeah. Listen to what the man said. (I figured I could use that since McCartney wrote both of them.)

See the beginnings of The Monkees in these utterly charming screen tests…that have been available on the Internet since around 1997.

He must have been VERY shocked that someone asked him about it.


Exactly. Poor show.

I bet that was AMAZING without…um…without Prince. Okay. Maybe just fairly enjoyable.

The HUGE problem with Mythbusters is that I don't give a fat shit how hard it is to build the contraption that proves or disproves the myth. Just show me if it works! It's like telling a knock-knock joke while forcing the audience to watch you build a house and put in a door to be knocked on before you start the

"You’d be hard-pressed to find a current director who has helmed as many beloved movies as Rob Reiner." That is, if you purposefully ignore the existence of Steven Spielberg.

As bad as the ending is, I've always thought he didn't get the credit he deserves for "Unbreakable." But that was 100 years ago.

He did, however, have all the best lame jokes.

Woody Allen in "Bananas"- Fielding Mellish