Paul Tatara

Same for Rihanna.

Springsteen's "The Way," which is hidden at the end of his "Darkness on the Edge of Town" boxed set, is one of his best love songs. I can't imagine why he didn't make it another track. It seems a huge waste to just bury it like that.

I think Elliot Smith also won that year for Least Bathed.

There's no truth to the rumor that Cassavetes used to stand next to the camera and shout, "ACT HARDER! ACT HARDER!"

Haven't these guys ever heard of Penny Marshall??!

Or overplaying him.

I pronounce it "Kaw-li-ga."

That's what Lou Reed used to say. He said the problem with PSA's on TV about drugs is that they utterly ignore the significant problem that - at first, and for quite a while afterwards - they feel great. Then you can get yourself trapped, and you just need them to function. Then you might end up dead. People who've


Where are my shits? Oh, well. I guess I have none to give.

Smokin' hot Kim Novak is the reason to watch that.

They're simpletons.

Seems like you could have tried to make that entire comment a single sentence.

Gee. I'm…um…sorry I missed that.

Trevor who?

Great interview. He knows what he's talking about- very sharp and focused on story and character I've always liked him, but now I have real respect.

He should stop committing to attempting to grow facial hair.

Jimmy Stewart if you're going old school- musicals, romantic comedies, great Westerns, war movies, several Hitchcock films (a couple of which rank among the top films ever made), etc. Cary Grant spread it around pretty good, too.

Sorry, but I grew up in Alabama, and Newman's use of the n-word in "Rednecks" is utterly appropriate. That character would say it without the slightest hesitation. Yes, it's hard to hear it. But that's the entire point.

Especially for the ones who die during them.