Paul Tatara

What made him a "true desperado?" His management team? His agent? His accountants? His lawyers? His stock portfolio? His mansion? All of the above?

You can check out any time you like. Or even if you don't want to.

The movie is horrendous.

if you were around back in the day, you would know that's a "yes."

You forgot to mention that that universe is also tedious.

That was really deep.

Will Janeane Garofalo be bathing for this?

This guy is obviously living life to its fullest.

Agree 100%. I constantly get the feeling she's standing outside her performance and admiring herself while she Acts. (My wife sometimes adopts JJL's "Dorothy Parker" accent just to annoy me. Both of us were stunned at how ridiculous it was.)

Switch scrotums first.

It becomes painfully evident after a while that the movie is animated solely so we can all once again say, "That Charlie Kaufman is so weird." It's a chore to watch after about 30 minutes.

I love the scenes he played with Nat King Cole after Nat King Cole died.

I'm honestly thinking that, too. It's stunning.

Wrong. Embarrassingly so.

I worship the Beatles and think Paul McCartney takes a bum rap far more often than he deserves. But this song has been a steaming pile of reindeer shit since the year it was released. I was around at the time, and was quickly mortified. (Sorry- Lennon's Christmas tune is great.)

Dave Chapelle very seriously needs to quit standing in front of people and telling jokes so he can do something less stressful.

The movie is half crap, but try to ignore that. Okay. (Lee missed his calling as a pamphlet writer shouting on a street corner.)

He wrote several songs like that in the early going, the sound like he just knows he's going to get an "A" for this one.

Fascinating how he suddenly had to read the lyrics out of a great big book.

I don't find it scary, either, and the 45 or so minutes spent watching Scatman Crothers rent and drive a snow vehicle is well worth it. Doesn't kill the rhythm at all. (I remember being distinctly disappointed while watching the movie on opening night.)