Paul Tatara

Subtitle: "Can You Actually Say Something Negative about Kubrick without People Blowing a Gasket?"

Shit album title.

They gave it to her in lieu of several million more dollars.

She's struggling just like me. I also get paid only six or seven million dollars every few months. With very little back end.

Angie Harmon was cheaper, so they're going that route.

He was sweet but rather odd. I don't think he was a druggy at that point, just an eccentric from an equally eccentric family. He was a big fan of the band XTC, and was always trying to track down their records. Once he got used to you, he liked to talk, but before that he had trouble even making eye contact with

The Shakespearean crap is absolutely dumbfounding in its awfulness. Had Van Sant stuck to River and Reeves, this would have been one of the great films of the period. (I knew River a little bit back in the day, and he was genuinely embarrassed by Jimmy Reardon. He begged me not to see it.)

It's mind-boggling. The production, the lyrics, the whole song. It sounds like a comedian pretending to be Bruce Springsteen.

I've been a fan for 36 years, and I'm giving you the go-ahead to ignore that one from now on.

I dig Jersey Devil, and the video is great, too.

I very strongly agree. "Working on a Dream" is absolutely pointless, not an interesting hook or lyric on the whole damned thing, and - gulp - "Queen of the Supermarket." Dear God. There is quite obviously nobody in the camp who can still say, "Um…Bruce. No."

The live version that he played on MTV with "the other band" is gorgeous.

I've been a Springsteen fanatic since 1979, and this album largely sounds like Bruce with a stuffed-up nose, reading a newspaper out-loud while he strums his guitar.

I'm taking Machine Noises on Soundtracks 101 first semester!

It's like he grows whimsy in a test tube.

I was with him until he handed his cinematographer a protractor. Now I want to fucking strangle him.

I saw "Ghosts of Mars" when it came out and still can't get the smell off of me.

Most of the movies he intends to steal from are only on VHS.

Accepted. It was fun.

I was there. It happened totally spontaneously. This wasn't Colbert's big chance to show everybody he should be a member of Pearl Jam. That said, there are many powerful laxatives on the market that you might enjoy.