Paul Tatara


He was brilliant a long, long time ago, but has since needed an 800-pound editor. I'll buy the 1999 and Purple Rain boxed sets that he's never going to release, though.

Isn't he the guy who did Purple Rain?

Jesus. That looks surprisingly terrible.

My dad was killed by a dragon.

I've never heard of "Raging Bull," and "Body and Soul" IS the best boxing movie ever!

I've met him a couple of times. He won't shut up, even when you want him to.

The central problem is that for about 10 or 15 years now, all Neil Young cares to be is "baffling."

He definitely deserved better, but he only made about three good movies in his entire career, so It's not exactly a surprise.

Remember the episode where that thing happens at the end, and it's all ironic?! Best episode ever.

I want a supercut of every time somebody says, "Stevens, you're a genius!" on "Bewitched."

I've felt really bad for him ever since he made millions of dollars then got to fuck Scarlett Johansson for several years.

One just applauds. One does not applaud at.

My buddy worked on one of those "Law & Order" shows for years. Visiting the set was exactly like being in the waiting room of a dentist's office, except that Vincent D'Onofrio got to overact every 45 minutes or so.

There goes that needle.

How very hippies of them. Maaaan.

Jennifer Jason Leigh is fucking insufferable- she acts so hard steam shoots out of her ears. She better hope she doesn't run into Dorothy Parker in the afterlife, that's for sure.

They usually sound like the Band rehearsing.

Nope. Don't bother.

Nothing beats "Powderfinger," in my book. But he's written SO many sometimes eccentric, often gorgeous songs. I wish to God he'd get back to it.