Paul Tatara

Okay. I'll concede that the editing in "Dracula," anyway, might have worked!

"Trouble's Braids" on "Swordfishtrombones" is where the Tucker shows up. The album is a masterpiece, so that also helps.

It's abandoned out in the woods in the Tom Waits song, "Trouble's Braids."

A terrifically entertaining, hugely under-appreciated movie. I think it's Coppola's best post-Apocalypse Now. Very clever and stylish.

Yes, as soon as they stopped casting me in the bullshit.

Forgive me for saying this, but it sure doesn't seem like Rose McGowan was particularly put off by these kinds of roles for…oh…the past 15 years or so.

They'll never manage the stuff they DID fit in the movie as brilliantly as it was first pulled off. They Yeager sequences, for sure.

"And boy was my dick tired."

NOTHING is miscasting along the lines of Keanu Reeves in "Dracula."

Yeah, I'm not really sure how the Internet plays into me deciding whether or not I like a movie.

Or somebody who actually has a different opinion from yours.

He can't shoot and cut together an action sequence to save his life, and has displayed this repeatedly. The battle between Batman and Catwoman on the rooftop is so confusing it looks like it was run through a food processor. He's a production designer with an offbeat sense of humor more than he's a director.

Why on earth should anybody have to remake The Right Stuff??!

Interesting tidbit about that movie: I'm a writer, and I met with Ron Howard while they were editing "Apollo 13" (I actually hung out for a few hours while they cut together the sequence about too much CO2 being in the cabin.) Howard told me that John Sayles did a great deal of work on the screenplay, but the Writers

The fat nerd in front of you?

The White Album is grotesque.

Who knew Gerry Rafferty had no peers?

I was just about to say that. Menace contains so many nods to Scorsese's signature shots and structures, it practically develops a tic.

It came out when I was in high school. It wasn't remotely believable. There may have been a town out there somewhere that was that stupid, but I clearly remember the theater audience (in Alabama, no less), laughing at the very concept.

I don't understand why people so dislike the concept of an auteur. OBVIOUSLY it's a collaborative effort, but one person guides it and designs it. That's why you can watch 90 seconds of a Martin Scorsese movie - good or bad - and know that it's Scorsese. The translated word may mean "author," but it obviously