Paul Tatara

These chicks are getting to be a cross between Kim Kardashian and Aleksandr Solzhenitsen.

During the six or seven years when they were releasing total shit.

Yeah. They were such rock & roll purists until then. Sheesh.

I actually think this is one of his weakest performances.

Why wasn't the Scorsese picture titled "Three Fucking Hours Worth of Assholes?"

Armond Fucking White is an heir to Lester Bags?! Jesus…

She's behind the whole thing, you know. She wrote the songs, arranged it, and played all the instruments. It was all her idea.


Paul Krugman is a sorry-ass substitute for Norman Mailer.

Please let there be Muppets in this.

The Coens' "True Grit" was fucking great. Have you actually seen the original since you were six years old? It's like a lame TV movie starring John Wayne and Glenn Campbell.

Jesus Christ.

It must be GREAT if everyone forgot he recorded it then found it in the closet!

DAMN! Now I won't get to see Heart at SeaWorld!

They all USED to be the same thing. Brilliantly so.

Rod fucks it up.

How much you want to bet there's no actual Beatles music in this movie?

I know what I won't be watching that week!

It will have absolutely no problem living up to my expectations, which are nil.

I wish they could think of some way to promote this movie.